info Overview
Name - What is Gemini Gadene’s full name?

Gemini Gadene

Age - How old is Gemini Gadene?


Gender - What is Gemini Gadene’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Gemini Gadene go by?

Captain Inferno

or, in civilian form,


Role - What is Gemini Gadene’s role in your story?

Protagonist, hero

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Gemini Gadene’s eye color?

Electric blue

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Gemini Gadene have?


Hair Style - How does Gemini Gadene style their hair?

Long hair, straight and flies above her head like fire when she's a superhero.

Hair Color - What color is Gemini Gadene’s hair?


Height - How tall is Gemini Gadene?


Weight - How much does Gemini Gadene weigh?

100 lbs.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Gemini Gadene have?

Fire coming out of her hand? Superhero suit?
Really nothing when she's a civilian. Just a lot of freckles along the middle of her face and on her arms.

Body Type


Skin Tone

Fair and freckly

Race - What is Gemini Gadene’s race?


fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Gemini Gadene have?

  • Strength

  • Smart (science nerd)

  • Jump rope

  • Drawing

  • Singing


Ok but since I can't link magic, she has fire powers. She snaps her fingers and a little candle - sized flame appears on her finger. She can spread it by blowing on it. It's like a blowtorch, but on her hand.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Gemini Gadene have?

  • Talks with her hands

  • Tilts her head when confused or interested

  • Tugs on ear when nervous or indecisive

  • Hums when nervous

Motivations - What motivates Gemini Gadene most?

Competition, winning.

Flaws - What flaws does Gemini Gadene have?

  • Not enough confidence

  • Too trusting

  • Emotional

Prejudices - What prejudices does Gemini Gadene have?

Um, none. She's accepting of everyone, no matter who or what they are or identify as.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Gemini Gadene have?

Fighting crime (mostly Geni)?

Personality type - What personality type is Gemini Gadene?

Think Peter Parker, but... yeah, no, she's a LOT like Peter Parker. But pretty insecure. Pretty open, complimenting anyone she thinks deserves to be complimented. Also super trusting. She's pretty bad at sensing lies.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Gemini Gadene’s favorite color?

Red or blue.

Favorite animal - What is Gemini Gadene’s favorite animal?

Phoenix or sparrow.

Favorite weapon - What is Gemini Gadene’s favorite weapon?

Her fire?

Favorite possession - What is Gemini Gadene’s favorite possession?

Superhero suit.

Favorite food - What is Gemini Gadene’s favorite food?

Pizza or a sandwich from her favorite local shop, Darzi's.

Occupation - What is Gemini Gadene’s occupation?

S u p e r h e r o.

Politics - What politics does Gemini Gadene have?


Religion - What religion does Gemini Gadene practice?


Job - What job does Gemini Gadene have?

S u p e r h e r o.

info History
Birthday - When is Gemini Gadene’s birthday?

July 7, 2002

Background - What is Gemini Gadene’s background?

Ok so she found a genie lamp and the genie gave her a wish so she wished for fire powers. That's her powers backstory.

Her dad died when she was 5, and her mom kind of went insane and tried to kill her. She's in jail now. So, she lives with her Aunt Ali (Alice). And yeah. That's that.

She's working with the government, because everyone has agreed that, what with all the detectives on tumblr, and all the facial recognition software, it would be almost impossible to keep her identity secret without help. So, the government keeps tabs on anyone who would try to figure her out, and every time someone figures out who she is, they erase the footage and the history and all evidence, then the guy that you hear about when people say "I know a guy," Mysterium, erases their memory. And yeah. She lives in the same universe as Marvel, in NYC, but she doesn't know about SHIELD. Obviously, she knows about the Avengers. She's friends with Spiderman. They're basically the same person. But neither of them know that the other is a superhero. Spiderman sometimes comes to help her when she's fighting Geni. So yeah.

Education - What is Gemini Gadene’s level of education?

10th Grade

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Gemini Gadene have?

She has a turtle named Sheldon. He is the light of the world.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

This character was created by Simon on

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