info Overview
Name - What is Archnod Filter’s full name?

Archnod Filter

Role - What is Archnod Filter’s role in your story?

He's the Crystal king

Other names - What other aliases does Archnod Filter go by?

highness, Majesty king Etc.

Gender - What is Archnod Filter’s gender?


Age - How old is Archnod Filter?

now dead a few minutes ago 57.

face Looks
Weight - How much does Archnod Filter weigh?

now 0kgs a few minutes ago 62kgs

Height - How tall is Archnod Filter?

now 0 feet a few minutes ago 6 feet

Hair Color - What color is Archnod Filter’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Archnod Filter style their hair?

Short, wavy

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Archnod Filter have?


Eye Color - What is Archnod Filter’s eye color?

Golden brown

Race - What is Archnod Filter’s race?

Crystal human

Skin Tone

well with a Crystal human their skin is made of skin color Crystals so his skin is Light

Body Type


fingerprint Nature
Motivations - What motivates Archnod Filter most?

helping his kingdom and son

Flaws - What flaws does Archnod Filter have?

cares a lot! about his son

Talents - What talents does Archnod Filter have?

skiing, and fighting

Hobbies - What hobbies does Archnod Filter have?

keeping his kingdom in order

Personality type - What personality type is Archnod Filter?

well he's not that polite but he's not mean either also he would do anything for his son


well right now he's dead.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Archnod Filter practice?


Politics - What politics does Archnod Filter have?

he's a king

Occupation - What is Archnod Filter’s occupation?

he's a king

Favorite color - What is Archnod Filter’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Archnod Filter’s favorite food?

Ti soup (if you havn't heard of it. It's a real food)

Favorite possession - What is Archnod Filter’s favorite possession?

doesn't have one

Favorite weapon - What is Archnod Filter’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Archnod Filter’s favorite animal?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Archnod Filter’s birthday?

November 6th

Education - What is Archnod Filter’s level of education?

good for a king

Background - What is Archnod Filter’s background?

Archnod was the Crystal kingdoms king and his wife Emily the queen. Archnod used to have a power called Crystal power but someone took his power with a machine and accidentally gave it to his Son Stam.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

This character was created by kalebclint on

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