info Overview
Name - What is James Elmsworth’s full name?

James Elmsworth

Role - What is James Elmsworth’s role in your story?

One of Four Main Characters

Other names - What other aliases does James Elmsworth go by?


Gender - What is James Elmsworth’s gender?


Age - How old is James Elmsworth?


face Looks
Weight - How much does James Elmsworth weigh?

Maybe 210? He's got muscle, though he doesn't show it off.

Height - How tall is James Elmsworth?

5'9 or 6'0? I'm never sure about anything..

Hair Color - What color is James Elmsworth’s hair?

Raven black

Hair Style - How does James Elmsworth style their hair?

Short but not too short. It hangs in front of his face sometimes.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does James Elmsworth have?

Normally none, but sometimes there's scruff. He never lets it go past that, though.

Eye Color - What is James Elmsworth’s eye color?

Baby blue

Race - What is James Elmsworth’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type

Lightly muscled

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does James Elmsworth have?

If he stays out in the sun, he gets freckles.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does James Elmsworth have?

Gentle when needed, A little headstrong

Motivations - What motivates James Elmsworth most?

Reaching his destination

Flaws - What flaws does James Elmsworth have?

Trusts too easily, acts too quickly, frustrated if he can't solve/understand a puzzle or an obstacle.

Prejudices - What prejudices does James Elmsworth have?

Aliens are mainly evil and homicidal

Talents - What talents does James Elmsworth have?

Advanced engineering, astronomical training, a little fighting experience

Hobbies - What hobbies does James Elmsworth have?

working out, but he's refrained from doing so recently. Cooking and gardening are also on his to-do list.

Personality type - What personality type is James Elmsworth?

Polite when you first meet him, can be silly or serious, trustworthy, honest, and always tries to have good leadership.


Healthy, Sane.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does James Elmsworth practice?

None, he doesn't believe in any god.

Politics - What politics does James Elmsworth have?

No political stance, considering the fact Earth has been destroyed.

Occupation - What is James Elmsworth’s occupation?

Astronaut fits this description best. Though, now he's just trying to survive.

Favorite color - What is James Elmsworth’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is James Elmsworth’s favorite food?

Mac'n'cheese but also icecream.

Favorite possession - What is James Elmsworth’s favorite possession?

Red sweatshirt from Earth.

Favorite weapon - What is James Elmsworth’s favorite weapon?

His gun, but he can use his fists quite well.

Favorite animal - What is James Elmsworth’s favorite animal?

He loves cats, but he had a dog on Earth.

Job - What job does James Elmsworth have?

Astronaut best fits this category.

date_range History
Birthday - When is James Elmsworth’s birthday?

February 29th

Education - What is James Elmsworth’s level of education?

Pretty high, he's much smarter than the average male his age.

Background - What is James Elmsworth’s background?

When he lived on Earth, James had a pretty normal life. He would train just in case he needed to go into space, he would build small robots, walk/run with his dog, and help out at adoption centers for animals when he had time.
His sister died recently, and so his dog, which once belonged to his sister, was given to him. James was sent into space at the destruction of Earth, and now is just trying to get to Mars, their destination and soon-to-be home.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does James Elmsworth have?

None anymore. Rest in peace, Pom.

NOTE: Love interests can't be named because I don't own the characters. He does have a love interest though, although now is probably not the time to ask them out on a date.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

james handling his nerpherps.

"The only way to have a friend is to be one, James." Glaring at his mother, James scowled. "How would you know?" The little boy asked, upset because his first day of kindergarten had come and gone, and the only person he talked to was his teacher. His mother's green eyes sparkled. "James, I've found that saying to apply to everyone. It might take time, but you'll see."

-swoosh forward in time-

James sat at the wooden picnic table, absorbing the breeze on the warm summer day. The smell of something being bbq'ed filled the air and James could feel himself relaxing. "Hey little bro, I think you're falling asleep," His sister commented. James raised an eyebrow. "Just chillin'." He replied. Looking into the distance, two little boys starting shouting at each other.
"BRENDAN, STOP IT!" One yelled. "YOU STOP IT!" Brendan replied. James' sister sighed. "They never stop fighting. Uncle James, go talk to 'em?" James stood up and jogged over to the boys.
"Hey guys, what's wrong?" He asked. "Brendan won't give me back my lucky penny," Piped his nephew. Brendan, his other nephew, crossed his arms. "It's not yours it's mine!" He replied. "No! You're not my friend anymore!" The other boy said, starting to cry. "Finders keepers, losers weepers!" Brendan teased.
"Brendan, can I see the penny?" James asked. Brendan handed over the penny reluctantly. "Well, lucky for you boys, I have a penny exactly like this." James said, inspecting it. "But I like this one." Brendan replied, edgily. "Yes, but what's more important, Brendan? The penny, that you'll either spend or keep in a drawer forever, or your brother, who will always be with you?" Brendan considered it. "What's the point? He's not my friend anymore." Brendan said with a withering glare at his brother. "Yes, but, Brendan," James paused, remembering his mother's words. "The only way to have a friend is to be one, and I think you want your brother to be your friend, especially since you live in the same house." Brendan nodded. "So you know what you have to do?" James asked. Brendan hung his head. "Yes Uncle James." He replied. "Good, you won't regret it." James said, and without looking back, returned to the picnic table.


This character was created by Alex on

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