info Overview
Name - What is Valeria Martín’s full name?

Valeria Martín

Role - What is Valeria Martín’s role in your story?

Soldier, and eventual Rebel of sorts.

Other names - What other aliases does Valeria Martín go by?


Gender - What is Valeria Martín’s gender?


Age - How old is Valeria Martín?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Valeria Martín weigh?


Height - How tall is Valeria Martín?


Hair Color - What color is Valeria Martín’s hair?

Dark Black, with small strands of natural silver. A chunk in the front is almost completely gray, a product of stress, despite her young age.

Hair Style - How does Valeria Martín style their hair?

Regulation is no longer than 12 inches, and it must be pulled up. She keeps it closer to 10, and tied up into a short ponytail.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Valeria Martín have?


Eye Color - What is Valeria Martín’s eye color?

Olive green, leaning more towards grey.

Race - What is Valeria Martín’s race?

Human, she assumes.

Skin Tone


Body Type

Lightly muscled

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Valeria Martín have?

Her right arm in a mechanic prosthetic, built to amplify her abilities and essentially make her a weapon.
Scars, man. Everywhere. Her most notable ones are probably the scars around where her prosthetic meets her shoulder, and the long, jagged ones along her abdomen.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Valeria Martín have?

Has absolutely no tells when she's lying, as a result of her training.
Incredible posture
It's super hard to get her to smile, and the closest anyone's seen is her lips twitching.

Motivations - What motivates Valeria Martín most?

The kingdom, and as such, her loyalty to the King.
Protecting and helping others.

Flaws - What flaws does Valeria Martín have?

She can appear emotionless sometimes, and is maybe too loyal. Training oriented, and focused on getting better.

Talents - What talents does Valeria Martín have?

Hand to hand combat
Combat in close confines, weaponized or not.
An incredible pain tolerance
Rallying people
Planning, when she deigns to come up with her own plans

Hobbies - What hobbies does Valeria Martín have?

Training. That's...that's literally it. The gal doesn't do anything else.



groups Social
Religion - What religion does Valeria Martín practice?

None. Doesn't have time for worship.

Occupation - What is Valeria Martín’s occupation?

Soldier in the Glarian army.

Favorite color - What is Valeria Martín’s favorite color?

She's always wearing the navy blue of the uniform, but her favorite color is actually lilac.

Favorite food - What is Valeria Martín’s favorite food?

She doesn't have one, but if she had to pick, she might go with mashed potatoes, her favorite part of the set meals they have.

Favorite possession - What is Valeria Martín’s favorite possession?

A skeleton key, given to her by a little girl who's life she saved. Since she isn't allowed to wear jewelry, though she would love to put it on a chain, she keeps it in the breast pocket of her uniform key.

Favorite weapon - What is Valeria Martín’s favorite weapon?

Her 'pistol'.

Favorite animal - What is Valeria Martín’s favorite animal?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Valeria Martín’s birthday?

December 22nd

Education - What is Valeria Martín’s level of education?

Possibly a primary education, but she can't really remember. Has basic knowledge of things like reading, but her training has focused on fighting, surviving, and the like.

Background - What is Valeria Martín’s background?

Anything before her eleventh year is a mystery to her. She was, she assumes, saved by Commander Gabriel Yevvon, and subsequently taken in and raised by him and other officials and soldiers alike. Once she was fourteen, she officially joined the army, starting her training as a soldier. After a nasty fight about a year ago, in which she lost her arm, she underwent an experimental procedure, gaining a prosthetic arm of sorts, designed to up her power. It is impossible to control, and she refuses to use it.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

Magic: The ability to turn things to dust just by touching them, which took forever to learn how to control. She still wears gloves thanks to it. Her prosthetic arm boosts that ability when it comes to that hand, and makes it almost impossible to control. If she lays the palm of that hand flat on something, she can send earthquake like tremors through it. She can't stand that ability though, and the damage it causes.

folder_open Clothing

Casual: Tank tops in various colors. Occasionally long sleeved shirts when she's cold.
Uniform: A navy blue short sleeved button up, tucked into her pants.

Jackets: A navy trench coat, for formal occasions. A grey army jacket sometimes, for less formal occasions.


Black cargo pants, as part of her uniform. For more formal occasions, she'll wear black jeans.


Black combat boots.




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