info Overview
Name - What is Camilla Delmar’s full name?

Camilla Delmar

Other names - What other aliases does Camilla Delmar go by?


Gender - What is Camilla Delmar’s gender?


Age - How old is Camilla Delmar?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Camilla Delmar weigh?


Height - How tall is Camilla Delmar?


Hair Color - What color is Camilla Delmar’s hair?

Pastel pink

Hair Style - How does Camilla Delmar style their hair?

Cut to about her shoulders, wavy.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Camilla Delmar have?


Eye Color - What is Camilla Delmar’s eye color?

One ocean blue, one brown with golden flecks

Race - What is Camilla Delmar’s race?

Hispanic. Half Human/Half Altean

Skin Tone


Body Type

Lightly muscled

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Camilla Delmar have?

Glowing blue marks on her cheeks
Quite a few scars
Starry night sky scene on her left shoulder blade.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Camilla Delmar have?

Tongue pokes out when she's thinking
If she isn't carefully hiding it, her tell that she's lying is the left corner of her lip twitching.
A huge flirt.
It's actually fairly easy to make her flustered, if you know what you're doing.

Motivations - What motivates Camilla Delmar most?

Her family.
The people she cares about.

Flaws - What flaws does Camilla Delmar have?

Pretends not to care much about anything.
Doesn't get enough sleep, or food.
Somehow an absolute dumbass despite being really smart.
Self-sacrificing and reckless.

Talents - What talents does Camilla Delmar have?

Smart, even if she hides it.
Getting out of risky situations.
Being a fucking dumbass
Great at diplomacy, even if nobody let's her prove it.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Camilla Delmar have?

Reading, though she'd never admit it.
Doing her nails.
Doing other people's nails.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Camilla Delmar practice?

Was raised pretty Christian, but has lost most of that faith.

Occupation - What is Camilla Delmar’s occupation?

Prev.: Pilot in training.
Current: Paladin of the Blue Lion, Defender of the Universe

Favorite color - What is Camilla Delmar’s favorite color?

Blue! She has a soft spot for red though~

Favorite food - What is Camilla Delmar’s favorite food?

Gallo Pinto

Favorite possession - What is Camilla Delmar’s favorite possession?

Her photo of her and her siblings.

Favorite weapon - What is Camilla Delmar’s favorite weapon?

Her Bayard, which take the form of a sniper's version of a blaster.

Favorite animal - What is Camilla Delmar’s favorite animal?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Camilla Delmar’s birthday?

December 16th

Education - What is Camilla Delmar’s level of education?

High school, and partway through flight school.

Background - What is Camilla Delmar’s background?

She never knew her father, so her mother raised her and her siblings. She was always just a tad bit different from the rest of her family, with an inexplicable love for the stars, and the way her appearance would almost seem to change, just a bit. They immigrated from Costa Rica to the Americas when she was thirteen, looking for a change. Soon after, their mother died, and her and her siblings were split up into foster homes, but have managed to keep in touch. Cammy's foster home was horrible, so the Garrison was her escape, even if she acted like she didn't care about being there.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
folder_open Clothing

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