info Overview
Name - What is Edilas Rosewood’s full name?

Edilas Rosewood

Role - What is Edilas Rosewood’s role in your story?

Mentor to the group

Other names - What other aliases does Edilas Rosewood go by?

Eddy (secretly called this by other characters)

Gender - What is Edilas Rosewood’s gender?


Age - How old is Edilas Rosewood?


insert_emoticon Looks
Eye Color - What is Edilas Rosewood’s eye color?

China blue

Race - What is Edilas Rosewood’s race?


Skin Tone

Pale white

Body Type

Lightly muscled, graceful and spry

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Edilas Rosewood have?

Rugged and painful-looking scars down his back (from his mama) that he hides to preserve his name as High Prince. He's got an air of royalty about him that he hates, but he can't shake it.

Weight - How much does Edilas Rosewood weigh?


Height - How tall is Edilas Rosewood?

6' 7"

Athleticism Type

Agility over strength, however, he's strong enough to pull a 120lbs string with ease.

Hair Color - What color is Edilas Rosewood’s hair?

I'm not sure yet

Hair Style - How does Edilas Rosewood style their hair?

Legolas' is what it is

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Edilas Rosewood have?

Clean shaven

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Edilas Rosewood have?

He strongly believes his father was poisoned and suspects the main villain was the one to do it. However, he was not ready to embark on the quest when he was dragged into a whirlwind journey with the king of Alvezog and a little pal by the name of Mahic.
He can't kill defenceless animals and will outright refuse to do so, even if his kingdom and his name were at stake. This is how his mother loses love for him.


Chaotic Good
He'll do anything to help his friends, destroy an enemy, or put a stop to a criminal.


Sensory overload

Edilas is one of the few elves who is overcome with a cerebrovascular disease that shocks into the nerves and the senses and overwhelms him quickly, causing him to lose consciousness or abandon common sense to escape the agony that comes with it. Edilas is embarrassed by it, and when he feels it coming, he tries to push through it with everything he's got. However, not once does he successfully hide it, as the excruciating pain that accompanies the overruling of the brain's natural instincts instantly breaks him every time.

Personality type - What personality type is Edilas Rosewood?

Easy to learn from, gentle and battle-worn. He can be a drill sergeant sometimes, but he means the best. Strong and graceful, but unsure about the feelings that worsen throughout the trip, like fear and worry and hatred. However, he welcomes the good feelings and loves all of his teammates deeply, even if he hides it from them.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Edilas Rosewood have?

He adores hunting, but can't bring himself to needlessly kill harmless animals. However, he is ruthless when need be. He also keeps a small instrument called [pocket flute] in a hidden pocket of his travel robes as a kind of stress ball but for elves.

Talents - What talents does Edilas Rosewood have?

Teaching, climbing trees, swimming, an agility-based fighting style called [fighting style], healing (not as well as warmth elves, but he's well versed in healing the upper body. Lower body he hasn't attempted yet), and playing [pocket flute].

Flaws - What flaws does Edilas Rosewood have?

He refuses to show pain, no matter how excruciating it becomes. Despite becoming exceedingly weak from a poison accidentally given to him, he throws himself in front of an arrow that could've killed Cameron. Loyalty means everything to him, and even if he's betrayed, he will still put his life on the line to save someone else.

Motivations - What motivates Edilas Rosewood most?

He strives to find who killed his father. However, there is no proof his father was killed; he believes it because "elves can't 'just not wake up'" and "Father wouldn't let go, not this soon".

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Edilas Rosewood have?

He's polite to the point of stone cold. Despite this, he loves deeply and trusts even more, and isn't too big on second chances. He won't trust someone who betrayed him to save his life, but he will save the betrayer's life, even if it means throwing himself into harm's way.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Edilas Rosewood’s favorite food?

His father smuggled little gifts from the humans, and one of those was watermelon, a fruit illegal in all Elf lands. He fell in love, and he and his father would meet Father's human friends, who always brought little bits of watermelon for him.

Religion - What religion does Edilas Rosewood practice?

He previously worshipped the Elves' traditional god, [elf god name], but after leaving Nolecial he lost faith and no longer believes in all-powered entities.

Favorite color - What is Edilas Rosewood’s favorite color?

A crystal blue, because his father encouraged him to find peace in things hat aren't royal blues and purples.

Favorite possession - What is Edilas Rosewood’s favorite possession?

An Aces and Eights metal poker chip his father, who one it in a game of poker with Aerrin's father (before he was corrupted), gave him.
Edilas attempts to hide it because elves traditionally don't attach sentiment to objects like humans, but he refuses to go anywhere without it. He really gets suspicious when the chip does missing on the anniversary of his father's death. Before he dies, Cameron places the chip he found in the villain's castle into Edilas' hand, and the elf breaks down in tears, saying he hated goodbyes and he didn't want to leave them, he really didn't want to go. Then, Pietro, like the genius he is, kneels before Eddy and concentrates with all he has and manages to stabilize Edilas' condition and they get him to safety and Eddy survives.

Favorite weapon - What is Edilas Rosewood’s favorite weapon?

Recurve bow and two leaf shaped twin daggars

Favorite animal - What is Edilas Rosewood’s favorite animal?

Edilas has a fascination with the Venezuelan poodle moth, a tiny yet adorable moth in Venezuela.

date_range History
Background - What is Edilas Rosewood’s background?

Edilas is a high elf, prince of Nolecial, Kingdom of the Wood Elves.

Education - What is Edilas Rosewood’s level of education?

As the prince of Nolecial, he's had extensive training in etiquette, and had learned about his history in the kingdom. He's versed in swordplay (by insistence on his father) but prefers smaller blades like daggers and bows to the "clunky, ungraceful metal squares" that are swords. Wood elves took up swing dancing from the humans and Edilas excels in it, one of the best in the kingdom (no one is surprised until they see him dance with his partner, [princess elf name]).

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

This character was created by Seth on

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