info Overview
Name - What is Viktoria Karjalainen’s full name?

Viktoria Karjalainen

Role - What is Viktoria Karjalainen’s role in your story?

Scientist/Double Agent

Age - How old is Viktoria Karjalainen?


Gender - What is Viktoria Karjalainen’s gender?


face Looks
Hair Style - How does Viktoria Karjalainen style their hair?



Commonly her wardrobe is describe as blue shades, that typically cover the entire body (minus hands, face, etc). In her profession, she wears the required coat with her organization logo on the right shoulder, on a grey armband. The costs come in navy blue, various shades of grey, and white. Most people assume her to take the navy blue, but she prefers a white coat typically.

Body Type


Skin Tone

Pale white

Race - What is Viktoria Karjalainen’s race?

Former human. Refer to notes.

Eye Color - What is Viktoria Karjalainen’s eye color?

Light blue

Weight - How much does Viktoria Karjalainen weigh?

155 lbs

Height - How tall is Viktoria Karjalainen?


Hair Color - What color is Viktoria Karjalainen’s hair?

Dark brown

fingerprint Nature
groups Social
info History
device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

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