info Overview
Name - What is Avami’s full name?


Role - What is Avami’s role in your story?

Intelligent Venus flytrap/Companion of Nevihata

Age - How old is Avami?

Avami is around 3 years old.

Gender - What is Avami’s gender?

Technically none.

face Looks
Race - What is Avami’s race?



Avami is dark green with even darker green rings around the ‘body.’ Venus flytrap like in appearance, Avami is fairly small, but carries the ability to generate more ‘roots’ or tendrils to help move around.

Height - How tall is Avami?

Six inches

fingerprint Nature

Avami’s intelligence is to be noted. They can understand many different languages and even write (though it is very hard for them). Avami can be described as ‘introverted’ and open to learning new concepts and ideas. They are very caring towards Nevihata.


Still a plant, Avami requires some form of light and liquid.

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history Changelog
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This character was created by Mojack on

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