info Overview
Name - What is Adrian Arthur Sage’s full name?

Adrian Arthur Sage

Role - What is Adrian Arthur Sage’s role in your story?

Side character

Age - How old is Adrian Arthur Sage?


Gender - What is Adrian Arthur Sage’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Adrian Arthur Sage go by?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Adrian Arthur Sage have?

a little stubble, but not much

Hair Color - What color is Adrian Arthur Sage’s hair?

Very dark brown hair that almost looks black

Height - How tall is Adrian Arthur Sage?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Adrian Arthur Sage have?

none right now but eventually he loses his left eye and wears an eyepatch over it.

Body Type


Skin Tone


Race - What is Adrian Arthur Sage’s race?


Eye Color - What is Adrian Arthur Sage’s eye color?

piercing blue eyes

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Adrian Arthur Sage have?

doesn't like to talk to others

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Adrian Arthur Sage’s favorite color?


Job - What job does Adrian Arthur Sage have?


info History
Birthday - When is Adrian Arthur Sage’s birthday?

February 13

Education - What is Adrian Arthur Sage’s level of education?

high school

device_hub Family
history Changelog
edit Notes
shopping_basket Inventory

This character was created by Gracehustle on

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