info Overview
Name - What is Dierra Colton Angevin’s full name?

Dierra Colton Angevin

Role - What is Dierra Colton Angevin’s role in your story?

Main Character

Age - How old is Dierra Colton Angevin?


Gender - What is Dierra Colton Angevin’s gender?


face Looks
Hair Style - How does Dierra Colton Angevin style their hair?

Her hair is just long enough to touch her shoulder blades but she keeps it in either a high ponytail or a braid

Hair Color - What color is Dierra Colton Angevin’s hair?

Her hair is interesting, it's a weird combination of light and dark so a few strands shine a light brown in the sun while the rest of her hair stays a dark brown all the time

Height - How tall is Dierra Colton Angevin?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Dierra Colton Angevin have?

She has a few freckles dotting her arms and legs at the beginning of the story and by the end she had tons of scars and bruises

Body Type

Lean with almost no curves in her figure

Skin Tone

her skin is a pale tan color

Race - What is Dierra Colton Angevin’s race?


Eye Color - What is Dierra Colton Angevin’s eye color?

She has average sized greenish brown eyes

fingerprint Nature
groups Social
Job - What job does Dierra Colton Angevin have?


info History
Birthday - When is Dierra Colton Angevin’s birthday?

August 24

Education - What is Dierra Colton Angevin’s level of education?

High school

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Dierra Colton Angevin have?


history Changelog
edit Notes
shopping_basket Inventory

This character was created by Gracehustle on

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