info Overview
Name - What is Beatrix Gleeful’s full name?

Beatrix Gleeful

Role - What is Beatrix Gleeful’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Beatrix Gleeful go by?

Bea (bee)/Trix/Trixy

Gender - What is Beatrix Gleeful’s gender?


Age - How old is Beatrix Gleeful?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Beatrix Gleeful weigh?

123.5 lbs.

Height - How tall is Beatrix Gleeful?


Hair Color - What color is Beatrix Gleeful’s hair?

Dyed red with black roots and black tips

Hair Style - How does Beatrix Gleeful style their hair?

Flat ironed with swoopy bangs and intense layers

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Beatrix Gleeful have?


Eye Color - What is Beatrix Gleeful’s eye color?

China blue

Race - What is Beatrix Gleeful’s race?


Skin Tone

Pale white

Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Beatrix Gleeful have?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Beatrix Gleeful have?

Beatrix is very out-going and can usually converse with just about anyone, about basically nothing, for hours on end. She does enjoy her alone time, but in most situations, she isn't bothered by social interactions. She tends to start reading when she is in a boring or uncomfortable situation. She is very happy and nice to people, but when they are rude or unkind to her or her friends/family, she is a force to be reckoned with.

Motivations - What motivates Beatrix Gleeful most?

She loves her friends like her own family, which is actually pretty big, to begin with. She wants to do anything to protect them from cruel people and dangerous situations. She also loves her birds more than anything else--the small feathered creatures always seem so serene and they keep her calm and centered when she's stressed or afraid.

Flaws - What flaws does Beatrix Gleeful have?

Bea gets in trouble a lot at school because of talking and becoming restless from sitting down for so long. To the point where the principal had asked her parents if she should see a specialist to get to the core of the problem. Since then she has been diagnosed with a form of ADHD, but she refuses to take the medication because it changes who she is, too much.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Beatrix Gleeful have?

When a person talks about religion or their own views too much, it puts her off and she prefers not to talk to that person.

Talents - What talents does Beatrix Gleeful have?

Beatrix is really good with animals: taking care of them, getting them to like her, etc. She is also very good at remembering dates and times, (like in history, or her day-to-day life), and is very intuitive (mostly)--it's strange how specific she can get into the last time one of her friends went to the doctor or was home, sick--but she usually doesn't remember why.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Beatrix Gleeful have?

Taking care of her birds, going to the local animal shelter to help feed+walk+other the animals there, reading, etc.

Personality type - What personality type is Beatrix Gleeful?






groups Social
Religion - What religion does Beatrix Gleeful practice?


Politics - What politics does Beatrix Gleeful have?

Despises PETA for their lack of understanding on domesticated animals and the risk of letting them go free without knowing that they can't protect themselves properly.

Occupation - What is Beatrix Gleeful’s occupation?

Bea currently works at a vet's clinic after school.

Favorite color - What is Beatrix Gleeful’s favorite color?

Vibrant red

Favorite food - What is Beatrix Gleeful’s favorite food?

organic strawberries

Favorite possession - What is Beatrix Gleeful’s favorite possession?

Her hardback copy of "Alice in Wonderland"

Favorite weapon - What is Beatrix Gleeful’s favorite weapon?

In a crisis, Bea has been known to use an old, wooden baseball bat

Favorite animal - What is Beatrix Gleeful’s favorite animal?

Lady Gouldian Finch, and the Mandarin Duck

date_range History
Birthday - When is Beatrix Gleeful’s birthday?

November 17th, 2000

Education - What is Beatrix Gleeful’s level of education?

Current senior in high school

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Beatrix Gleeful have?

Her birds ((To Be Listed))

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

Picture didn't add how I wanted


This character was created by Alex on

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