info Overview
Name - What is Omega 003’s full name?

Omega 003

Age - How old is Omega 003?

13 months

Gender - What is Omega 003’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Omega 003 go by?

The Shapeshifter

face Looks
Hair Style - How does Omega 003 style their hair?

Varies, same as above

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Omega 003 have?

Varies, same as above (SAA)


Depending on form it might not have clothing.

Body Type

Varies, original form is kind of like an amoeba, so it has no defined shape.

Skin Tone

Varies, original form has no skin

Race - What is Omega 003’s race?


Eye Color - What is Omega 003’s eye color?

varies, SAA





Original form is a slightly transparent mass of what seems to be a semi-fluid, semi-solid material, able to split and change shape. Subject grows in size when consuming other mass. As it grows larger, semi-solid bones may appear, but stuff such as organs are not observed.

Weight - How much does Omega 003 weigh?

Varies; In original form the creature is about a pound, maybe a little bit over.

Height - How tall is Omega 003?

Varies; in original form the creature is only the size of a single foot.

Hair Color - What color is Omega 003’s hair?

Varies; original form has no hair

fingerprint Nature

A simple intelligence but learning based on experience. Subject seems to forget previous experiences when it shifts to another species. If given the change, subject can possess almost human like intelligence. Subject is very ravenous and seeks out materials to consume.


Subject freezes, entering a solid state in temperatures at -40 C. Subject seems to forcefully split at 40 C.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Omega 003’s favorite food?


Religion - What religion does Omega 003 practice?

Assumed to worship the Red Mountain, as its DNA hosts a similar pattern when compared to 000.

info History
device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Subject can take on the form of nearly any biological or mechanical being. Be aware.


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