account_circle Overview
Name - What is Adam Genetta ’s full name?

Adam Genetta

Age - How old is Adam Genetta ?


Gender - What is Adam Genetta ’s gender?




Role - What is Adam Genetta ’s role in your story?

Angel of Protection

Other names - What other aliases does Adam Genetta go by?


face Looks
Race - What is Adam Genetta ’s race?


Body Type


Skin Tone

Medium tan with neutral undertones

Height - How tall is Adam Genetta ?

5 foot 10

Weight - How much does Adam Genetta weigh?

14 stone

Eye Color - What is Adam Genetta ’s eye color?

Golden brown

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Adam Genetta have?

Light stubble

Hair Style - How does Adam Genetta style their hair?

Textured sweep back
Mid fade

Hair Color - What color is Adam Genetta ’s hair?

Dirty Blonde

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Adam Genetta have?

A tattoo of the sun in the middle of his back

camera Clothing
ac_unit Powers/Abilities
shopping_basket Inventory
fingerprint Nature
groups Social
Favorite food - What is Adam Genetta ’s favorite food?

Anything with carrots or broccoli

Favorite color - What is Adam Genetta ’s favorite color?

Warm yellow

Occupation - What is Adam Genetta ’s occupation?

Stay at home father

Favorite weapon - What is Adam Genetta ’s favorite weapon?


Spoken Languages


date_range History
history Changelog
edit Notes
Lore chevron_right Characters link linked Adam Genetta

Character chevron_right Best friends link linked Adam Genetta

This character was created by Lee on

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