info Overview
Name - What is Virion Torran’s full name?

Virion Torran

Age - How old is Virion Torran?

Appears to be in his early 30s

Gender - What is Virion Torran’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Virion Torran go by?

Generally goes by Mr. Torran
He is also affectionately referred to as "V." by Hiryur

Role - What is Virion Torran’s role in your story?

Neutral Antagonist

face Looks
Body Type

Average sized, well proportioned. He has a little less muscle mass than a regular dust devil would have, making him a bit skinny, but he still has the slim waist and long thin legs specific to his kind

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Virion Torran have?

Yellow markings on his skin and under his eyes


He is most often seen wearing a simple suit, with a buttoned up shirt and an overcoat. He sometimes wears leather gloves. At home, he prefers comfortable clothing with plain colors.

Weight - How much does Virion Torran weigh?

159.3 lbs (72.3 Kg)

Height - How tall is Virion Torran?

5.9 ft (180 cm)

Hair Color - What color is Virion Torran’s hair?

Dark, with purple gradients and streaks

Hair Style - How does Virion Torran style their hair?

Shoulder length, mostly styled to look like he has a mullet

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Virion Torran have?


Eye Color - What is Virion Torran’s eye color?

Grey with red in the middle

Race - What is Virion Torran’s race?

Dust devil

Skin Tone

Pale ivory, with a subtle purple undertone at the tip of the fingers and ears

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Virion Torran?

At first sight, he is a calm and collected person, with a slightly bored undertone. He is very down to earth, chilled out and is over-all a likeable person. His job really improved his communication skills and personality, making him a refined and polite gentleman, quite desirable among the ladies. He likes playing dangerous games, but he has gotten so good that he knows all the tricks in order to win. However, he is a true master of psychology and manipulation, extremely persuasive and smart, capable of earning people's trust easily and making them tell him what he wants to know. He is confident that his charm and way of communicating are more effective in extracting information than any torture method, as he knows how to spin his words just right enough to make one spill the beans.
Even though he is capable of winning over the heart of any woman, he considers them to be weak against mind manipulation games, thus never showing too much interest in them, nor does he really trust them.
He doesn't consider himself a villain, as he is only doing what he is being told. He doesn't go out of his way to do evil, but if things do end up turning that way, he doesn't care. He's not afraid to dive into shady stuff if he has to.
The only person he can fully trust is Hiryur, whom he basically raised since he was little. He is affectionate, slightly protective and very patient towards his lover, almost like a parent would be towards a child, acting as an emotional support when needed and being the only one patient enough to deal with all of Hiryur's mood swings. His relationship helped him develop a better sense of compassion and empathy, but also how people's weaknesses work and how they can be manipulated.
He was originally an asexual aromantic, but after falling for Hiryur, it downgraded to just being asexual.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Virion Torran have?

Closes his eyes and rubs his chin when thinking, jumps a little if suddenly spooked, sits straight if seated or supports his head with a hand, chuckles softly when amused or happy, always makes eye contact, speaks in a soft, mysterious manner.
Whenever he returns home from one of his journeys, he likes to greet Hiryur by walking up behind him, gently brushing aside his purple hair, and placing a soft kiss on the back his neck.

Motivations - What motivates Virion Torran most?

He keeps the job due to how much information passes through his hands and just how rich he became. The reason why he took this job is mostly unknown (possibly because he found information to be one of the most powerful weapons and possibly because he loves playing with people's minds)

Prejudices - What prejudices does Virion Torran have?

He refrains from forming prejudices about people too soon, as he is always careful about the unexpected.

Flaws - What flaws does Virion Torran have?

Too much eye contact makes him look creepy, as if he is staring down into your soul
lacks major physical strength
doesn't really trust people
He's a bit of a misogyn - he's not exactly hateful towards women, but he doesn't trust them at all; he maintains his polite attitude however, in order to preserve his image as a gentleman.
he's very manipulative - comes with the job
Quite selfish - as long as he and his boyfriend are fine, he doesn't really care about others


Ever since he's fallen in love with Hiryur, he fears for the boy's well being more than his own - being his first honest love, Hiryur takes a special place in Virion's heart.

Besides that, the idea of amphibians, especially newts, in his clothes has always given him the creeps. Just keep those wet creepy crawlies away please

Talents - What talents does Virion Torran have?

He can play the violin and piano
He also still has the skills of a moon elf, but hasn't had the opportunity to put them to good use in a long time

Hobbies - What hobbies does Virion Torran have?

Reading a nice book, observing wild life, playing cards, spending time with Hiryur, relaxing at home

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Virion Torran’s favorite food?

Strawberry cheesecake

Favorite possession - What is Virion Torran’s favorite possession?

A broken piece of jewelry he received from Hiryur when the boy was young. He appreciated the piece so much he had it restored and now carries it with him at all times.

Favorite weapon - What is Virion Torran’s favorite weapon?

He's got a gun, for emergency situations

Job - What job does Virion Torran have?


Religion - What religion does Virion Torran practice?

He's not a very religious person, though he maintains his respect for all religions, partially because he finds all of them interesting in their own unique way

Favorite color - What is Virion Torran’s favorite color?


info History
Birthday - When is Virion Torran’s birthday?

November 5th

Education - What is Virion Torran’s level of education?

He originally started out with basic knowledge he received from home, but later on managed to put himself thru school.

Background - What is Virion Torran’s background?

Originally hailing from the depths of the desert,

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Virion Torran have?

He once stated that when he was young, he used to have a pet humming bird named Kapi

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Upon their first meeting, Virion's original plan was to groom Hiryur into being his faithful dog if the boy survived or skin his snake lower half and make something out of it in case he died.

Moon elves are known to always have light colored hair - Virion is the only one in his family to have been born with completely black hair

folder_open Species
folder_open Magic
Main Ability



Becoming invisible during night time, keen sense of hearing, enhanced agility

folder_open Quirk
Character chevron_right Love interests link linked Virion Torran

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