whatshot Overview
Name - What is Holly Levin’s full name?

Holly Levin

Age - How old is Holly Levin?


Gender - What is Holly Levin’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Holly Levin go by?


Role - What is Holly Levin’s role in your story?

Anubis's Mom

Name Origin


cloud_queue Looks
Race - What is Holly Levin’s race?

german russian danish and swedidshhh

Hair Style - How does Holly Levin style their hair?

normally up in a messy bun or straight

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Holly Levin have?


Eye Color - What is Holly Levin’s eye color?


Skin Tone

bit tanner than anubis

Hair Color - What color is Holly Levin’s hair?

sandy bleach blonde

local_bar Nature
Motivations - What motivates Holly Levin most?

jsut wants her kids to have good lives with God

why does holly push religion so hard on Anubis?
well, holly was not the perfect person before. When she met her husband, Jack, she had already been a party girl. Jack got her addicted to gambling and drinking, and overall she lived a crazy but horrible life. While moving to the famous Las Vegas, Holly and Jack accidentally conceive a whole child, later to be named Olliver. It was at this moment that Holly realized she could not take care of a child in her state. During the nine months, Holly became closer to God and also stayed in a rehab center. Jack stayed to help her through pregnancy, but eventually ditches her for god knows why, probably cuz hes a psychopath. She gets stuck in the mindset that God had saved her life, and she had owed everything to Him, so when her kids grow up, she tried to make sure they had God by their side too. Unfortunately, that didn't work out for Olliver.

Flaws - What flaws does Holly Levin have?

pushes christianity on kids a lil too much - close minded over religion

beach_access Social
Religion - What religion does Holly Levin practice?


Politics - What politics does Holly Levin have?

probably conservative

Occupation - What is Holly Levin’s occupation?

good question



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This character was created by jenny on Notebook.ai.

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