info Overview
Name - What is Natory Tsurogiri’s full name?

Natory Tsurogiri

Age - How old is Natory Tsurogiri?

2595 yrs old (looks 48)

Gender - What is Natory Tsurogiri’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Natory Tsurogiri go by?

Tsuro (Avatar)
Sir (Tanis/Alphonse)
Dad (Shishio)

Role - What is Natory Tsurogiri’s role in your story?

Side character

face Looks
Body Type

Pretty skinny, with thin limbs

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Natory Tsurogiri have?

A pair of glasses with a cherry red frame, monotone voice

Weight - How much does Natory Tsurogiri weigh?

137.57 lb (62.4 kg)

Height - How tall is Natory Tsurogiri?

186,53 cm (6.12 ft)

Hair Color - What color is Natory Tsurogiri’s hair?

Blond hair with dark shadows

Hair Style - How does Natory Tsurogiri style their hair?

Shoulder lenght, messy hair with bangs gently swept on one side
He used to have longer hair in the past but he ended up cutting it short due to his son's bad habit of grabbing him by the hair when he was little

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Natory Tsurogiri have?


Eye Color - What is Natory Tsurogiri’s eye color?

Dark violet with a pink hue

Race - What is Natory Tsurogiri’s race?


Skin Tone

Pale rose, slightly tanned

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Natory Tsurogiri?

He often comes off as sarcastic, reserved and monotonous, exhorting very little energy in most situations, preferring to sip his coffee instead, primarily moved by logic and having little tolerance for disobedient behavior, but very honest no matter what. He is ultimately someone with a cold exterior and a warm interior. He maintains his cold demeanor towards pretty much everyone, family and acquaintances alike. Underneath all the cold layers, he has a warm and caring heart, harboring paternal feelings for his children and Avatar as well. He also shows he is not completely devoid of humor, as he sometimes lets out a sneaky smug smile when impressed.
Fearless in front of his enemies, is always very careful about his actions and isn't one to back down at any costs. He also seems to get slightly irritated by bad puns.
In his youth, he was less sarcastic and cold, displaying a more energetic and warm personality

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Natory Tsurogiri have?

Rearranges his glasses often, as they tend to slip off his nose (the glasses do not have temples nor a strap, given that his ears are situated on top of his head), scratches his left cheek when confused, slaps his forehead every time someone does something stupid, walks slightly hunched over

Motivations - What motivates Natory Tsurogiri most?

Fulfilling his duty as the king's personal advisor, watching over Avatar

Prejudices - What prejudices does Natory Tsurogiri have?

Nothing really matters

Flaws - What flaws does Natory Tsurogiri have?

Extremely cold with new people, to the point where he seems hostile, drinks too much coffee, was done with everyone's sh#t a long time ago

Talents - What talents does Natory Tsurogiri have?

Can play the violin, knows how to juggle more than 5 objects

Hobbies - What hobbies does Natory Tsurogiri have?

reading books, making complex origami animals, solving hard puzzles

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Natory Tsurogiri’s favorite food?

Even though he doesn't admit it, he has a thing for pretzels

Favorite possession - What is Natory Tsurogiri’s favorite possession?

A big and detailed paper lizard he made

Favorite weapon - What is Natory Tsurogiri’s favorite weapon?

If he had to choose, it would be a scythe

Job - What job does Natory Tsurogiri have?

Local Doctor

Religion - What religion does Natory Tsurogiri practice?


Politics - What politics does Natory Tsurogiri have?

Being a Gelf, there really isn't a political system to worry about, so aside from it he shows little interest in politics, even though he is able to tell a lot of things from studying the political situation of a country

Occupation - What is Natory Tsurogiri’s occupation?

King's personal advisor

Favorite color - What is Natory Tsurogiri’s favorite color?

Light green

info History
Birthday - When is Natory Tsurogiri’s birthday?

August 18th

Education - What is Natory Tsurogiri’s level of education?

As the king's personal advisor, it's his duty to keep his level of knowledge somewhat superior to that of a regular gelf, in order to be able to come up with solutions for diverse problems

Background - What is Natory Tsurogiri’s background?

Natory was born in a northern city, but his family moved to the Morphidae capital city in a much quieter part of the world, closer to the sea. Growing up, he befriended the prince at the time, Nariko, Avatar's father. Even though he was a few years younger than Avatar's father, the two got along very well, sharing an interest in science and discovering new things. Later on, he became Nariko's assistant and colleague, working together on different projects that proved to be very rewarding for everyone. Nariko seemed to always have the most brilliant ideas, fact that earned him Natory's respect, even from a young age.
As they grew older, they began trying out more ambitious projects, the two sharing crazy ideas and solutions. Natory wasn't as gifted as his friend, but all they did together led him to study harder in order to catch up to Nariko's incredible sense of scientific intuition.
He diversified his research, becoming more focused on medical materials, that sparked his interest in the field of medicine. Even after turning into a fully grown adult, he maintained his passion for medicine, which eventually led him to his destined mate, a female from the neighbourhood, with whom he fell in love with. The two got married and were very happy together, but unfortunately, a few months after their marriage, his wife was killed while she was on her way to visit her family in another town.
The loss of his wife made Natory retreat in the world of studying, trying to cover the void that was left in his heart. It was during this time that he slowly lost his energetic personality and became more sour, slowly turning into the cold person he is now. He also completely quit working on projects with Nariko, preferring to dedicate himself to medicine. While Natory was occupying his time with studies, his best friend Nariko went on to get married and have a child as well. At this point in time, Natory had completely left the realm of science, instead becoming the king's personal advisor. After the big argument broke out and Nariko decided to leave, Natory remained with the king, despite the past friendship he had with the prince.
He hoped that even though they were going to be miles away from each other, he could still maintain his friendship with Nariko, but this hope died immediately when the word came that the prince and his wife had been murdered right before leaving the local area. The only survivor was the couple's son, Avatar who had somehow escaped the fate of his parents.
Natory felt obligated to help take care of Avatar, who had been placed in the care of his grandfather. Over the years, he kept an eye on the young prince, casually taking care of him when the king was away; during this time, he was almost like a father to Avatar, who started calling him "dad" by accident every now and then. During Avatar's teenage years, Natory met another female with whom he fell in love with again; because of the time spent alone after losing his first wife, it was a little harder for him to get close to his chosen mate, needing more than 5 years before finally proposing to her. They eventually got married and had 2 children together, a son and a daughter. His daughter did everything in her power to make him feel proud of her, while his son Shishio was more of a rebel and didn't get along too well with his father, given the huge personality difference.
After Avatar lost his family in the attack, Natory did his best to try help him cope with the pain of the loss he had suffered, as he understood how painful it was to lose a loved one. He truly felt bad about Avatar who, unlike him, had lost his newborn offspring along with his wife, a fact that Natory considered to be the worst kind of pain a Morphidae could go through, especially after he had seen just how attached the prince had been to the poor child.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Natory Tsurogiri have?

A small animal, with the head, wings and front legs of an owl, and the posterior of a cat with a long tail with feathers on end, named Fumu.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

  1. Natory's actual physical appearance is that of a person somewhere around 30 years of age, but for some reason he chose to allow himself to age, making him look 10 years older than he should be. No one knows for sure why he chose to do this to himself

  2. The real reason he quit doing crazy projects with his best friend is because their last project together was an attempt of resurrecting Morphidae that had died. The experiment went well at first, managing to bring back his lover and a few other Morphidae. But they soon learned that their kind was simply not meant to be resurrected, as everyone they had brought back began to "melt" partially and sticking to each other, becoming amorphous masses of mixed spiritual material. Upon realizing the mistake they had made, Natory decided to terminate the project right away and quit experimenting, mostly from the guilt of having turned his wife into an unrecognizable amalgamation. The entire incident was kept a secret, and Natory swore to never bring it up ever again

folder_open Species
Species name


Physical Characteristics

Morphidae are often seen as a humanoid race of creatures with heights ranging from 6.7ft to 7.8ft in height and ridiculously light bodies. Their most notable feature is their wing shaped ears situated on top of their head, their prominent canines and their brightly colored eyes, with white pupils. They usually have delicate features, and kind expressions, supple bodies and thin limbs. Morphidae do not possess genitals, they only copy gender differences, therefore young individuals have a strong androgynous appearance, as gender differences appear during the teenage period.
At birth, a Morphidae's hair has the same texture and softness as fur - a defining trait for young specimens; with age, the hair loses the fur texture and the softness fades.
Despite not having a tail nor other animalistic body part, they are often confused with a lesser specie of spirits who posses animal features and are known to cause trouble.
Their specie branches out into 2 different Morphidae types: the continentals and the polar Morphidae. Continental Morphidae are generally large and athletic, with almost any hair color, while polar Morphidae are a tad bit smaller and less imposing than their continental counter part. Polar Morphidae are usually recognized by the smaller, fluffier ears and their silver white hair.
In their true form, Morphidae appear as large winged serpentine creatures made of something resembling smoke, wearing dark masks, with bright glowing eyes and a crystal "heart". Stronger Morphidae can have armor on them, although this is pretty rare for present day specimens.
Upon "evolving", they gain another set of wings and their masks become more decorated.
Each Morphidae has a unique smell to it, that becomes more pronounced as the creature ages.
Another important detail is their body temperature. Morphidae have a very high temperature, going from average fever level at the extremities to downright hot at the chest. If the temperature drops, it's usually a sign of health issues


Morphidae are naturally peaceful creatures. They can be described as being kind, harmless, protective and very patient creatures, even though in the human history they are depicted as gods of destruction. This wrongful depiction is due to a group of cases where Morphidae had used magic in self defense or, in one rare case, it was a manifestation of grief from losing an offspring (Morphidae love children a lot, so are very protective of their young).
In everyday life, Morphidae are usually nice and polite, young individuals displaying a loud, cheerful and very friendly behavior, whereas older individuals try to keep a more dignified image, but just as friendly. In society, they have developed a series of gestures with their own significance. For example, the act of touching one's forehead with their own is regarded as a display of deep affection and is mostly used by parents in their relationship with their offspring or sometimes, by couples.
Despite their peaceful attitudes, they are still regarded as fearsome monsters by many, mostly due to the wrongful depictions of them presented by humans and the fact that they can no longer be found in the wild.

Background - What is Natory Tsurogiri’s background?

They are considered to be one, if not the first race of creatures that came into existence at the beginning of the world. They later became the realm's guardians, protecting it from the malevolent forces that wanted to claim the world and turn it into a corrupted waste land. They helped many of the other races to develop and become what they are today

Flaws - What flaws does Natory Tsurogiri have?

They are hesitant to fight back if attacked and refused to take action against humans, who had discovered a way to neuter their magic and kill them. This later costed them almost everything, as their specie was driven on the edge of extinction by a massive attack; during the chaos created by the attack, their Prince was lost and never seen again, leaving those who knew about him wonder if the little Gelf ever stood a chance against the attackers.


A Morphidae is essentially immortal, thus being able to live forever. They reach maturity at the age of 1000, after which they are finally able to have a family of their own. If extremely lucky, one can reach the age of 5000-7000, although the vast majority barely reaches the age of 2000 yrs due to the excessive hunting by humans.
Since they are technically immortal, a Morphidae cannot die of old age, instead, they can "evolve" into a divine form, and become able to move on to the spiritual realm. After evolving, they can no longer be killed by anyone, as they have technically become "angels"; despite this, not many Morphidae have evolved, given the mortality rate.


Having the role of Divine Guardians, they posses powers so great, that one gesture is enough to sink mountains or boil oceans. However, they are bound by ancestral laws to never abuse their power under any circumstance, nor to use it to harm someone. Despite having such a high level of natural magic, Gelves use little to no magic at all in their normal lives, preferring to do everything the normal way

folder_open Magic
Main Ability

Soul breaker - he is able to create a scythe like weapon that can cut through anything. It is currently unknown what else his scythe can do, but his past reputation suggest it could do more than just cutting. He is currently not using his power anymore, as he barely does anything at all with his magic in the present day


Increased healing abilities, telekinesis and general shapeshifting

folder_open Quirk
Character chevron_right Fathers link linked Natory Tsurogiri

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