info Overview
Name - What is Matthew Marwing’s full name?

Matthew Marwing

Gender - What is Matthew Marwing’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Matthew Marwing go by?

King Matthew, Matthew Clement Marwing

Role - What is Matthew Marwing’s role in your story?

King of Toltova; side character

face Looks
Hair Style - How does Matthew Marwing style their hair?

Medium length, curly

Hair Color - What color is Matthew Marwing’s hair?

Dark brown

Height - How tall is Matthew Marwing?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Matthew Marwing have?

Two scars on his back that run from his shoulder to his waist area

Body Type


Skin Tone


Eye Color - What is Matthew Marwing’s eye color?


fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Matthew Marwing have?

The Patrol

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Matthew Marwing have?

Often stands with one or both hands behind his back.

Motivations - What motivates Matthew Marwing most?

Keeping peace in his kingdom

Flaws - What flaws does Matthew Marwing have?

Very closed off and private, cares too much about his reputation, worries too much.

Personality type - What personality type is Matthew Marwing?

Despite being a very public individual, Matthew is a very private person. This mostly has to do with how his father raised him to hide his powers, which Matthew feels is a big part of his identity. He is also very stoic, but when he is dealing with the public he tries to put on a friendly and facade. He cares a lot about how the people perceive him so he tries his best to come across as likeable and approachable.

groups Social
Favorite weapon - What is Matthew Marwing’s favorite weapon?


Occupation - What is Matthew Marwing’s occupation?

King of Toltova

Politics - What politics does Matthew Marwing have?

Matthew's political beliefs tends to be more on the liberal side. He strongly believes in equality for people with powers but doesn't always show it.

info History
Background - What is Matthew Marwing’s background?

As the oldest son of King Richard and Queen Alice, Matthew was born into great privilege. From a very young age, his father started grooming him to inherit the throne. Even from a young age he showed great potential as a future king.

When he was in his early teens however, Matthew started having back pains. His father had Paul, the royal healer trying to come up with a cure but nothing seemed to work. That is, until they discovered the source of his pain-- he had developed the ability to fly and the pain was from the pair of wings that gave him this ability. Almost immediately, King Richard was determined to make sure that this stayed a secret. He asked Paul if he could surgically remove the wings. Paul was uncertain, but said he would do it as long as Matthew was ok with. Matthew consented to it but only because he was scared and was feeling a lot of pressure from his father.

The surgery first seemed to be a success, however it only took a few weeks for Matthew to realize that this was not the case. His wings came back, but this time it brought the realization that there was nothing that he could do to get rid of his abilities. At first, Matthew tried to keep it a secret but eventually Paul found out and talked him into letting King Richard know as well.

For years, the secret stayed between Matthew, Richard, and Paul. Even Matthew's mother and younger brother Alexander didn't know (and thought that the surgery was to fix a spinal defect) as his father ordered him not to tell anyone. As Matthew grew older he began to resent his father for his attitude towards his powers. His father was clearly ashamed of him and Matthew frequently called him out on his attitude, but Richard never owned up to it and often told Matthew that he was being unreasonable. As tensions continued to rise between him and his father, Matthew found himself turning to Paul when he needed someone to confide in.

Later in his teen years, Matthew befriended Angelica, the daughter of one of his father's men. As it happened, she also had her own set of powers which played a part in her finding out about Matthew's. The two became very close after they found out that they had something in common. The two often came up with ways that Matthew could improve the kingdom, specifically for people like themselves who had to hide their powers. They later married and had a son named Kit.

When Matthew became King he almost immediately forgot about the discussions that he'd had with Angelica when they were younger. He worried that if he showed a bias towards people with powers then people might become suspicious of him. He continued to reign as king as fairly as he could but didn't make any of the changes that he talked about when he was younger.

It was only until several years later that he really began to crack down on things when kids who were suspected to have abilities were going missing. At this point, Kit was 13 and had developed powers of his own. Matthew realized that he had to start making changes if not for himself then for his only child.

Birthday - When is Matthew Marwing’s birthday?

Oct 18th

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