info Overview
Name - What is Amy Moreau’s full name?

Amy Moreau

Role - What is Amy Moreau’s role in your story?

Main character

Other names - What other aliases does Amy Moreau go by?

Aims, Ayeee, Tracker, wolf-lady, Loupitta, Mac Tíre Muirne Lefdoiten

Gender - What is Amy Moreau’s gender?


Age - How old is Amy Moreau?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Amy Moreau weigh?


Height - How tall is Amy Moreau?

1,67 m

Hair Color - What color is Amy Moreau’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Amy Moreau style their hair?

short, pixie. looks like she cut it herself in the dark. her hair would probably be straight and flowy if she'd let it grow.

Eye Color - What is Amy Moreau’s eye color?

Forest green

Skin Tone

light tan

Body Type

athletic for running and shooting with bow and arrow

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Amy Moreau have?

she has several scars over the entirety of her body caused by the abuse she's endured as a child

General clothing style

She prefers clothes that are comfortable and do not restrict her movement and especially likes whatever helps her blend in with her environment. Meaning that currently, she'll mostly wear camouflage and brown/green clothing.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Amy Moreau have?

distant, wary and quiet. She observes people she doesn't know well from a distance, trying to go unnoticed. At the start of the story, only Brandon and Q will be aware of her following them around while the others wonder why their food is going missing and accuse each other of stealing food.

Flaws - What flaws does Amy Moreau have?

She's very uncomfortable around other people and will occasionally resort to biting when someone touches her without permission.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Amy Moreau have?

Don't trust humans, they're mean

Talents - What talents does Amy Moreau have?

She has a sure aim with bow and arrow and can track down animals like no other. She's good with animals, especially canines, and has a lot of knowledge of edible plants

Hobbies - What hobbies does Amy Moreau have?

she likes hunting and running around. She also enjoys watching the sleep-deprived performances of the other group members after a long day of travel.

Personality type - What personality type is Amy Moreau?

She's very wary of other people and will need plenty of time to get used to travelling with others. However, once she trusts you she's a loyal, enthusiastic friend. (Think a street dog who found a good home)

star_half Magic abilities
groups Social
Occupation - What is Amy Moreau’s occupation?

she's the tracker/ hunter of the group, had no occupation before being taken to the mental hospital

Favorite color - What is Amy Moreau’s favorite color?

muddy green

Favorite food - What is Amy Moreau’s favorite food?

any kind of stew with meat. You can put anything edible in a stew and it will still taste good and the meat stays nice and tender.

Favorite possession - What is Amy Moreau’s favorite possession?

the handcrafted bow they acquire very early on in the story

Favorite weapon - What is Amy Moreau’s favorite weapon?

Bow & Arrow

Favorite animal - What is Amy Moreau’s favorite animal?


filter_vintage Tidbits and relationships to other chracters
info History
Background - What is Amy Moreau’s background?

Amy doesn't talk much about her past, but it is clear that whoever took care of her wasn't too kind. She was submitted to a mental hospital very early on, after which she was released and reentered repeatedly due to periods of bettering and relapse. she was submitted to Morrowbay asylum in 2015 after supposedly murdering her caretaker at another asylum with her bare hands for trying to force himself on her.
(the bare hands thing is supposedly, not the actions of the caretaker)

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
adjust Goals and stuff
What limits have they given themselves?

Amy has given herself the limit that she can't run of whenever without telling the group. She also tries her best not to stick out to other people who might intend to harm her as so many others have.

What is their conflict with the world, and how does it play into their internal conflict?

In the normal world, she would be frowned upon for her behaviour and locked away where no-one has to be bothered by her.

What do they want more than anything?

Running around freely without restrictions from society and other people

what do they need more than anything?

she needs a 'pack of wolves' aka other people she likes and can trust to travel around with beceause one person can only survive for so long in a world that looks down on everyone who's different.

How do their wants and needs clash to create internal conflict?

She likes to think of herself as a lone wolf, constantly wishing to leave the group but feeling sad without them.

history Changelog
edit Notes

Originates from France
Amy has a mental affliction where she believes herself to be transforming into a wolf at certain times. Unlike werewolves, she isn't bound to the faces of the moon but to her emotional state. When she 'transforms' into a wolf she becomes feral and capable of picking up sounds and scents a human being ordinarily wouldn't. There is no real explanation of why this is, but the others accept it without question.


This character was created by M.W. Poel on

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