info Overview
Name - What is Claudius Marlott’s full name?

Claudius Marlott

Role - What is Claudius Marlott’s role in your story?

Duke of Twyllo
(Secondary Character, Ehre)

Age - How old is Claudius Marlott?


Gender - What is Claudius Marlott’s gender?


Full Name

Duke Claudius Alastair Marlott, Third of His Name and Second Heir to the Throne of Twyllo

Other names - What other aliases does Claudius Marlott go by?

Duke Claudius, Marlott, Asher Roan/Ash


Ehre, The Twyllite Rebellion


Asher Roan

folder_open Name
face Looks
Race - What is Claudius Marlott’s race?


Body Type

Tall and fairly slim, strong arms and legs.

Weight - How much does Claudius Marlott weigh?

Above average, due to muscle.

Skin Tone

Naturally pale, tanned from living outside.

Height - How tall is Claudius Marlott?


Hair Color - What color is Claudius Marlott’s hair?

Pale blonde

Eye Color - What is Claudius Marlott’s eye color?

Ice blue

Hair Style - How does Claudius Marlott style their hair?

Tied back at the back of his neck, shoulderblade length.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Claudius Marlott have?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Claudius Marlott have?

Tall, blond hair. Long and pointed nose, long face with pointed chin.

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Claudius Marlott?

Asher is loyal, devoted, and a good leader. He also is Fern's designated protector, and has a ruthless streak. He is plotting a retake of his kingdom, which leads him to developing a bit of a martyr complex and believing that he is the only one to save Twyllo, which is part of why he travels to join the rebellion.

Skills and Hobbies

Archery, hand to hand combat, leadership, fencing.

Motivations - What motivates Claudius Marlott most?

To protect Fern and plot his retake of Twyllo.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Claudius Marlott have?

Archery, hand to hand combat, fencing, helping run Woodlow.

Flaws - What flaws does Claudius Marlott have?

Martyr complex, ruthless, icy exterior, doesn't tell others his plans, thus endangering them.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Claudius Marlott have?

Against his fellow residents of Victory Court, believing them foolish and uncaring for not trying to prevent his seeming assassination at age 11.

groups Social
Favorite possession - What is Claudius Marlott’s favorite possession?

An ring stolen from his mother and father before they died.

Closest Friend

Julianna Marlott (sister)

Favorite or Associated Animal


Favorite weapon - What is Claudius Marlott’s favorite weapon?

Alternates between a bow and arrow and a sword.

Occupation - What is Claudius Marlott’s occupation?

Co-leader of Woodlow, Duke of Twyllo.

Politics - What politics does Claudius Marlott have?

He wants Twyllo back, preferably under his rule.

Favorite or Associated Color

Pale green

Favorite food - What is Claudius Marlott’s favorite food?

Cherry turnovers

info History
Education - What is Claudius Marlott’s level of education?

Not especially high, mostly self taught.

Birthday - When is Claudius Marlott’s birthday?

January 12th


Christina and Antony Marlott

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Claudius is aromantic and asexual
(Art image credit to the Icon maker Picrew by lulljevic, I highly recommend it!)

Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Claudius Marlott

This character was created by Eva on

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