info Overview
Name - What is Joshua Meadows ’s full name?

Joshua Meadows

Role - What is Joshua Meadows ’s role in your story?

Leader of Golden Gate Crew

Age - How old is Joshua Meadows ?


Gender - What is Joshua Meadows ’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Joshua Meadows go by?

Hollow Point

face Looks
Height - How tall is Joshua Meadows ?

6ft 2

Weight - How much does Joshua Meadows weigh?

78 kilos

Body Type


Skin Tone

tan white

Race - What is Joshua Meadows ’s race?

Caucasian Human

fingerprint Nature
router Social
info History
Background - What is Joshua Meadows ’s background?

Born in San Francisco. Josh had a rough upbringing, he grew up in rough part of town and he knew it, he accepted and even joined a gang when he was 17 because his brother helped him get in. Josh did drugs and was unstable. Hollow Point was his street name. For him it was his favourite bullet.

Josh had an interest in 2 things that would set out his entire life. Weapons and Cars. Josh studied guns as a hobby. The Hollow Point was his favourite bullet so he told his older brother to call him that from now on.

Josh was out of control as a teen he had been arrested multiple times for different crimes. Vandalism, assault to name a few.

Josh's deadbeat father couldn't bear to watch his kid throw away his life like he did so he called in a few favours at work to get better pay and to send Josh to a military school and get his brother Darren a real job.
Josh already had a job working with his dad as a mechanic he was great at it but showed no real care at the time.

Josh's life turned around after military school, he gained the discipline he needed and became a soldier. He completed 2 tours of combat before returning home.

Josh's father was never an asshole he was just a bit of a deadbeat, never doing anything meaningful. But he couldn't take doing nothing anymore. When he saw Josh return from the military in full uniform and saluting in the doorway he broke down in tears of joy. Josh had been avoiding talking to his dad for the entire time he was a soldier because he was nervous and had never been close with him before. So Josh was surprised to see his dad had put his life back together and he had re married and now had a half sister Cathy. Josh was both shocked and overjoyed he had never seen his father so happy and his step mother was kind a nurturing and Cathy was a happy kid.

Josh opened up his mechanic shop and set up his own business. This is just before the start of the story.

Education - What is Joshua Meadows ’s level of education?

Military school

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

So Josh in this story is a man with nothing left to lose except his home. That is San Francisco Bay.

It has been taken by terrorists and he'll be damned if he's just gonna sit around and not blow something up. He and his veteran pal Leo gather a few of their friends to strike back against these terrorists and save their city. They gather any and all weapons they can and set out to tear them apart.

power_settings_new Powers

None whatsoever

accessibility_new Outfit

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