info Overview
Name - What is Donatello Gaccetta ’s full name?

Donatello Gaccetta

Role - What is Donatello Gaccetta ’s role in your story?

Donny is a villain

Age - How old is Donatello Gaccetta ?


Gender - What is Donatello Gaccetta ’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Donatello Gaccetta go by?

Donny G's

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edit Notes

I want Donny to be a sympathetic villain who has been constantly tested to his breaking point where he gives up and makes a horrible decision.

power_settings_new Powers

Donny can control gravity. Not in the traditional way of just making things float. He controls gravity, he can't get rid of it. So he can change a rooms centre of gravity or an objects or his own. So if you saw inception kinda like that spinning room fight. So if he was in a hallway he could make everyone fall against the wall as if it was the ground and increase the strength of gravity so they are stuck to the wall.

accessibility_new Outfit
Character chevron_right Enemies link linked Donatello Gaccetta

This character was created by Caboose on

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