info Overview
Name - What is Hunter James Hartford’s full name?

Hunter James Hartford

Age - How old is Hunter James Hartford?


Gender - What is Hunter James Hartford’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Hunter James Hartford go by?

Dad, Daddy, Da-da, Honey, Dear.

Role - What is Hunter James Hartford’s role in your story?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Hunter James Hartford weigh?

157 pounds 12 ounces

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Hunter James Hartford have?

A goatee/beard.

Eye Color - What is Hunter James Hartford’s eye color?

Chocolate brown.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Hunter James Hartford have?

Always has a short beard of some sort. Moles.

fingerprint Nature
groups Social
Religion - What religion does Hunter James Hartford practice?


info History
Education - What is Hunter James Hartford’s level of education?

Completed 12th grade and went to college.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Speech
folder_open Clothing
Character chevron_right Spouses link linked Hunter James Hartford

Character chevron_right Fathers link linked Hunter James Hartford

This character was created by Annika on

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