vpn_key Overview
Name - What is Brandon Parkwood’s full name?

Brandon Parkwood

Role - What is Brandon Parkwood’s role in your story?

MacKenzie's Half-Brother

Age - How old is Brandon Parkwood?


Gender - What is Brandon Parkwood’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Brandon Parkwood go by?


palette Looks
Eye Color - What is Brandon Parkwood’s eye color?

Bluish green

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Brandon Parkwood have?


Hair Style - How does Brandon Parkwood style their hair?

Long, slightly curly

Hair Color - What color is Brandon Parkwood’s hair?


Height - How tall is Brandon Parkwood?


Body Type


Skin Tone


Race - What is Brandon Parkwood’s race?


Weight - How much does Brandon Parkwood weigh?

160 lbs

extension Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Brandon Parkwood?

Logician (INTP-T)

Brandon turns to logic more often than he turns to anything else when it comes to making decisions. He has a habit of nitpicking everyone's words and taking note of everything people say. In a sense, everything goes straight to his head and he analyzes every event that transpires before him. He might be seen as a perfectionist, because he will get visibly bothered when things don't go as he predicted. While he may be heavily biased, he still has an open mind, because he tends to consider all angles before coming to a conclusion. Feeling a bit superior to others, Brandon may often come across as condescending. Brandon's creativity is often unpredictable and sometimes even unable to be interpreted. While it all makes sense in his head, it may not make sense to any others, and if someone doesn't understand quickly, then he doesn't bother with explaining.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Brandon Parkwood have?

Brandon practices different types of music practices, as well as writing and composing music. He has a save file with all his music, but doesn't post any of them online because he fears people will accuse him of doing it for the money. Most of his songs are about struggling with self acceptance, contradictions, and metaphorical lyrics creating a poetic story. Throughout his life, Brandon's main hobbies were practicing other instruments and taking vocal lessons. However, he doesn't focus on singing as much as playing the instruments.

Talents - What talents does Brandon Parkwood have?

Brandon picked up guitar easily and at a young age. He practiced it day and night and fell in love with it. That is, until his mother walked in on him playing a song he wrote and told him that his father loved guitar and played it all the time. After that he was never caught playing guitar, but that doesn't mean he stopped playing. Instead, Brandon practices turned to theater in high school as an alternative. He doesn't do much acting after he graduated, but it still holds a special place in his heart. Brandon can play several instruments including guitar, piano and keyboard, bass, percussion, and enjoys trying new things with technology to create new sounds.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Brandon Parkwood have?

Brandon has a strange distaste for optimistic people. He perceives them to be either blind or ignorant to the truth. Often times he believes himself to be superior to these people, because they're trapped under the lies that everything is fine, and he seems to be the only one who knows the 'truth'.

Flaws - What flaws does Brandon Parkwood have?

Brandon is often found lost in thought which could cause sudden noises, even minor ones, to make him jump. He's easily frightened and quite meek. Being unable to focus, it's evident that Brandon has ADD. He takes medication for this, but can sometimes be inconsistent with his medicine schedule, and symptoms tend to show easily. Brandon is disorganized and messy, losing track of everything from his phone to wear he parked his car. Being so lost in thought, Brandon may ignore or forget his surroundings, and tends to trip often. Even if he is somewhat focused, Brandon is just a klutz and things slip out of his hand almost magically. Brandon is also insensitive and has a bit of a disregard for other people's feelings, struggling to be able to relate and therefore brushing it off as insignificant.

Motivations - What motivates Brandon Parkwood most?

Brandon always wanted to feel accepted in the family, but once he realized he had a different father than his sister's it was difficult to feel close with her and their mom.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Brandon Parkwood have?

Brandon might be a little out of it and absent minded a lot, often not listening to people or failing to focus. This affected his school life and he wasn't able to get into college. Brandon might scratch at himself when nervous. Nothing serious, it would only seem as if he's scratching at an itch, but if he's under too much pressure, he might dig his nails in enough to draw blood.

wc Social
Favorite color - What is Brandon Parkwood’s favorite color?

Brandon always had a liking to blue and yellow. His half-sister MacKenzie was always yellow as he said, and he was blue, but MacKenzie said that she was blue and he was yellow. MacKenzie repeatedly gifted Brandon with yellow things, and Brandon got himself blue things, and vice versa.

Religion - What religion does Brandon Parkwood practice?

Brandon's family is Christian, so he goes to church every Sunday, but often times he's barely even paying attention and when he does, he'd ask deep philosophical questions that require an intensive study of the Bible to find the answer for. Otherwise, Brandon views the people at church as blind optimists and relying merely on faith is not logical to him.

Politics - What politics does Brandon Parkwood have?

Brandon struggles with his political stance because he hears both sides, Democracy at school and Republican from family. Brandon's struggle comes from being able to agree with the things his family says and the things his peers say. A complaint from someone at school is shot down by his father by a justification, and vice versa.

Occupation - What is Brandon Parkwood’s occupation?

During high school, Brandon got a part time job at a fast food restaurant, but after he graduated, he got a job at the music store to be surrounded by the thing he knows most.

Favorite food - What is Brandon Parkwood’s favorite food?

Brandon often grabs a bowl of blueberries and takes them to his room when he's practicing. He's not exactly picky with food, but if he was asked, he would probably say blueberries are his favorite food

Favorite possession - What is Brandon Parkwood’s favorite possession?

His yellow journal that he writes songs with, or even just thoughts that he believes no one else would understand.

Favorite weapon - What is Brandon Parkwood’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Brandon Parkwood’s favorite animal?

One day for his birthday, MacKenzie got him three yellow fish. Since he doesn't really care for picking a favorite animal, he'd say he has three fish when asked his favorite animal.

import_contacts History
Background - What is Brandon Parkwood’s background?

his mom got drunk and pregnant in high school and had a kid w a guy that she wasn't even dating lol

Education - What is Brandon Parkwood’s level of education?

graduated high school and also has a degree in music theory

Birthday - When is Brandon Parkwood’s birthday?

sometime in march lol

account_balance Family
Pets - What pets does Brandon Parkwood have?

Three yellow fish, Thomas, Lucas, and Atlas

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
assignment Non-Canon Stories/Poems/Etc.
local_laundry_service Wardrobe
local_hospital Health
school Education
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Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Brandon Parkwood

This character was created by Aloe on Notebook.ai.

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