info Overview
Name - What is Lunis Alaire’s full name?

Lunis Alaire

Age - How old is Lunis Alaire?


Gender - What is Lunis Alaire’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Lunis Alaire go by?

Lu, Looney Lu,

Role - What is Lunis Alaire’s role in your story?

Side character

face Looks
Hair Style - How does Lunis Alaire style their hair?

Long, usually tied back in a low ponytail

Hair Color - What color is Lunis Alaire’s hair?


Height - How tall is Lunis Alaire?


Body Type

Fairly muscular

Skin Tone

Dark tan

Race - What is Lunis Alaire’s race?


Eye Color - What is Lunis Alaire’s eye color?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Lunis Alaire have?


Flaws - What flaws does Lunis Alaire have?

Recklessness, impulsiveness, cocky

Talents - What talents does Lunis Alaire have?

Trick riding, horse training, horse back riding

Hobbies - What hobbies does Lunis Alaire have?


groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Lunis Alaire’s favorite animal?


Favorite possession - What is Lunis Alaire’s favorite possession?

Major (his horse)

Favorite color - What is Lunis Alaire’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Lunis Alaire’s occupation?

Trick rider

info History
Background - What is Lunis Alaire’s background?

Lunis was adopted at an young age by a family in the horse racing industry who wanted a stablehand. Instead of going to school, he learned the basics of horsemanship so that he'd be ready for the job when the time came.

Unknown to the family that adopted him, Lunis had the ability to speak to the horses. He tried not to use this power when he trained or rode the horses as he was an unregistered person with abilities, so this was illegal. Then one day he found out that Major, his favourite horse was going to be put up for sale as he rarely behaved well and didn't do well in the races. Lunis was determined to keep Major so he asked the family if they could give him a little bit longer to train him. Reluctantly, they agreed.

One evening, the father caught Lunis using his powers with Major. He was furious with Lunis, assuming that he had used his powers on all the horses to help them win the races. If anyone in the racing community found out, the consequences would be huge and the family could risk losing everything. Lunis begged to keep his job, but the family opted not to risk it and they fired him from the position and told him to leave and never return.

Caught up in his own emotions, Lunis decided he would have a small revenge on the family. When he left that evening, he took Major with him; the first of many horse robberies. He spent the next few months stealing horses and selling them off to make money. Since he couldn't read or write, he felt like stealing was his only way to make money unless he could find a new position as a stablehand.

One night, he was stealing a horse from a local circus. As he was taking the horse out of the barn, one of the circus staff came in to check on the horses, catching Lunis redhanded. He made an attempt to escape, but the circus staff member caught him and brought him to the Ringmaster to see what she wanted to do with him.

Rather than reporting him to authorities, the ringmaster gave Lunis an attempt to explain himself. After hearing his story, she did something that surprised everyone and offered him a position as a trick rider, which he accepted.

Lunis quickly became a talented trick rider, often attempting things that no one else was brave enough to try. In addition to performing, Lunis also trains the horses and other riders.

Education - What is Lunis Alaire’s level of education?

No formal education

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Lunis Alaire have?

A horse, Major. Also takes care of a lot of the other horses at the circus

shopping_basket Inventory
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history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Quotes
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