info Overview
Name - What is Idurre Muryoya’s full name?

Idurre Muryoya

Role - What is Idurre Muryoya’s role in your story?

Minor character. Asher's little sister and morality chain.

Gender - What is Idurre Muryoya’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Idurre Muryoya go by?

If some people aren't good at pronouncing her name, she goes by Ray, but prefers Idurre.

Age - How old is Idurre Muryoya?


face Looks
Hair Style - How does Idurre Muryoya style their hair?

Naturally kinky long hair, usually straightened. It's often braided and worn with a headband.

Hair Color - What color is Idurre Muryoya’s hair?

Dark brown

Height - How tall is Idurre Muryoya?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Idurre Muryoya have?


Body Type

Delicate and frail, despite being on the tall side. Hourglass shaped.

Skin Tone

Dark brown. She and Asher look darker than their parents, so it's implied that their ancestors were darker skinned.

Race - What is Idurre Muryoya’s race?


Eye Color - What is Idurre Muryoya’s eye color?

Light brown

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Idurre Muryoya have?


fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Idurre Muryoya have?

She's naturally intelligent and quick to notice patterns in people and things. This also helps when she's making a fierce comeback or roasting someone, especially since she's already a quick thinker. She gets along with everyone easily, and can be quite sage and wise when she needs to be. She's also a creative, resourceful soul, and taught herself how to sew through MePipe videos, in order to save a little bit of money on clothes while still expressing her own style. She mostly reuses her old clothes and adds different cuts or embroiders them, and saves scrap fabric from clothes that completely don't fit.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Idurre Muryoya have?

She plays with her hands a lot; she gestures often with them, and usually holds her own or rests one on her chest when she's listening or paying attention. She's rather composed and walks with natural grace.

Motivations - What motivates Idurre Muryoya most?

Finishing school and becoming a vet as soon as possible. She knows that her brother is literally working for organized crime in order to provide for the both of them, and has sacrificed his own education for hers. She feels at least a little guilty about how he chose to stop going to school so she could have a brighter future, and intends on having him live with her once she gets enough on her own for a living.

Flaws - What flaws does Idurre Muryoya have?

She's quick to blame herself for anything that goes wrong that she had a part in, and feels guilty for a long time even for minor things. She feels intimidated by large crowds of strangers or being somewhere without knowing anyone, and though she can overcome the anxiety, she can be clingy to people she trusts if she's nearby them. She puts her studies above all else, so she can push away her friends in favor of studying, and is totally that one girl in class who gets distressed over an B+. She is implied to have anxiety, but not confirmed since the Muryoya siblings don't have the money for a therapist or psychologist.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Idurre Muryoya have?

She's a big believer in the idea that good grades mean everything, and that high-caliber colleges don't look for anything less than a B. She also loves soulmates and the idea of love at first sight.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Idurre Muryoya have?

Sewing, fashion, reading, DIY projects, playing with animals.

Personality type - What personality type is Idurre Muryoya?

She's calm and composed in most situations, and naturally gives off a cool vibe. She can be sensitive at times, and can be affected by a harsh insult or remark for a long time despite her skill at hiding it. Likewise, she's polite to strangers, but playfully teases and jokes with her friends and people she trusts; this is the only time when her smartass quips and comebacks come out. She's has a naturally logical and analytical mind and sets high expectations and goals for herself. She is realistic when it comes to everyday life, but she's also a romantic, and can use it to make the best out of a bad situation.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Idurre Muryoya’s favorite food?

Monte Christo sandwiches. They're like tuned-up versions of grilled cheese, and easy to make.

Favorite animal - What is Idurre Muryoya’s favorite animal?

All of them! She loves working with animals and has a natural connection with most of them, but if she had to pick a favorite, it would be dogs, purely because of how cute they are.

Favorite weapon - What is Idurre Muryoya’s favorite weapon?

None; unlike Asher, she doesn't have the Person of Power genes, and isn't a hero or villain.

Favorite possession - What is Idurre Muryoya’s favorite possession?

A tube of electric blue lipstick, the only fancy brand-name cosmetic she owns. Not only did she spend so much time saving up for it, it looks great on her, and makes her look eye-catching. She also owns her mother's wedding ring, and now wears it as a sibling ring (Asher has their father's ring), but doesn't remember much of her mother since she died when Idurre was two, so it doesn't have as much sentimental value. Nonetheless, she wears it daily, and thinks of it as a sibling ring only more than a wedding ring.

Favorite color - What is Idurre Muryoya’s favorite color?

Bright blue

Occupation - What is Idurre Muryoya’s occupation?

Student (High school)

Religion - What religion does Idurre Muryoya practice?

Jewish, but isn't very religious at all.

info History
Birthday - When is Idurre Muryoya’s birthday?

December 6

Background - What is Idurre Muryoya’s background?

When Idurre was two, her mother, Madeline, died giving birth to a third child, who also died shortly after. She never did remember much about Madeline, so she was mostly unaffected by her death as she grew up. She, Asher, and her father, Itsuki, grew up in a rough, poor neighborhood in Kowareta City, where the family grew used to the sound of gunshots and yelling. When Idurre was 12, Itsuki contacted lung cancer. However, money was tight, so after an initial diagnosis they couldn't afford much more treatment. While she continued her education, Asher dropped out of his junior year in order to take care of Itsuki. However, he died when she was 14, leaving Asher and Idurre orphans. Asher then get custody of her, and got a job as a grunt in the Miyazaki Clan, Japan's biggest underground crime ring, despite her many protests. However, he remained intent on keeping the job, so Idurre eventually stopped complaining about it, but she still worries for his safety. She soon thought of her past protests as selfish, when Asher was literally risking his life to give her a better future, so she decided to work even harder in school in order to get a scholarship for college, so she can finally return the favor. In Jimmy's platonic route, Jimmy and Kai become good friends with Asher, and are invited to the sibling's flat often in order to discuss how to overthrow the Miyazaki Clan. Whenever they visit, she acts as a motherly figure, and helps with strategy when she can. She also realizes fairly quickly that Jimmy is in love with her brother and that Kai is trying to set them up together, and drops subtle hints that she knows, and what they should do so Jimmy and Asher end up together. She eventually tells them all in a one-on-one conversation that she knows about it all, and is even more obvious about what Jimmy or Asher should do to win the other's affections, and schemes along with Kai to give them some alone time.

Education - What is Idurre Muryoya’s level of education?

Currently in public high school, planning to go to college to become a veterinarian.

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I drew the concept art of Idurre in the gallery here. Please do not steal!!

Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Idurre Muryoya

This character was created by prollydelphia on

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