info Overview
Name - What is Kida Thomas Saint May’s full name?

Kida Thomas Saint May

Age - How old is Kida Thomas Saint May?


Gender - What is Kida Thomas Saint May’s gender?

cis boy

Other names - What other aliases does Kida Thomas Saint May go by?

First mate, worm/bug, kip (by daren)

Role - What is Kida Thomas Saint May’s role in your story?

Main character/voice of reason/not actually the voice of reason

face Looks
Hair Style - How does Kida Thomas Saint May style their hair?

wavy, isn’t really parted, falls in front of his eyes (hair is a BIG WIP)

Hair Color - What color is Kida Thomas Saint May’s hair?

dark brown almost black

Height - How tall is Kida Thomas Saint May?


Weight - How much does Kida Thomas Saint May weigh?

185 pounds

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Kida Thomas Saint May have?

dark freckles around his eyes and nose, small scars on his legs, he has dark under eye bags

Body Type

Average height, kinda chubby

Skin Tone

light brown

Race - What is Kida Thomas Saint May’s race?


Eye Color - What is Kida Thomas Saint May’s eye color?


fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Kida Thomas Saint May have?

notices the bad in people quickly, his tries to have a positive outlook on life but often has doubts until reassured

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Kida Thomas Saint May have?

tries to be polite to everyone, manners go out the window when genuinely upset, generally sarcastic and witty w/ people he’s comfortable with, he can seem cool/smooth and intimidating to an outsider

Motivations - What motivates Kida Thomas Saint May most?

he wants to find himself, and happiness in life

Flaws - What flaws does Kida Thomas Saint May have?

very timid and anxious, he hides it well by seeming cheerful and chill, he over thinks most situations good or bad, and is often reckless because he overthinks

Talents - What talents does Kida Thomas Saint May have?

he can touch his tongue to his nose and hold his breath for a minute and a half

Hobbies - What hobbies does Kida Thomas Saint May have?

he reads adventure books and lot of greek mythology in his spare time

Personality type - What personality type is Kida Thomas Saint May?

he's the kind of person who doesn't really stand out on his own, he compliments other people's personalities nicely no matter who they are and can almost always cheer someone up with an awful pun or greek mythology fact. He's pretty blunt compared to his other friends when it comes to bad scenarios and can always tell exactly what COULD go wrong.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Kida Thomas Saint May’s favorite food?

Ropa vieja

Favorite animal - What is Kida Thomas Saint May’s favorite animal?

silver fox

Favorite weapon - What is Kida Thomas Saint May’s favorite weapon?

a matching pocket knife to daren's

Favorite possession - What is Kida Thomas Saint May’s favorite possession?

a small star shaped locket with a picture of his mom inside

Favorite color - What is Kida Thomas Saint May’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Kida Thomas Saint May’s occupation?


Politics - What politics does Kida Thomas Saint May have?

mostly liberal

Religion - What religion does Kida Thomas Saint May practice?


info History
Education - What is Kida Thomas Saint May’s level of education?

high school sophomore

Background - What is Kida Thomas Saint May’s background?

(background is WIP)

he's being raised by his two older sisters and their aunt (sort of)

Birthday - When is Kida Thomas Saint May’s birthday?

october 5th 2003 (libra)

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Kida Thomas Saint May have?

a cat named sippy (sip) the third

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Kida tends to wear simple aesthetic graphic t-shirts, or just graphic t-shirts that aren't aesthetically pleasing at all, he likes to wear shorts that are shorter than most shorts for teen boys (but not too short), or skinny jeans/ripped and not ripped, he likes to wear striped socks, most of the time they're different colors and don't match. he wears dark purple converse. an over-sized black flannel, or an over-sized black zip up hoodie. he likes to wear 3D glasses or fun sunglasses, he almost never puts them over his eyes though, so they sit on top of his head. he likes to roller skate and wears a pair of pilot goggles when he does (actually on his eyes for once)

art credit: cuddlewuffle, tweet, ☆Anastasia☆, and vaarsuvius. on Chicken Smoothie

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This character was created by Icy on

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