info Overview
Name - What is Elisa Morin’s full name?

Elisa Morin

Age - How old is Elisa Morin?


Gender - What is Elisa Morin’s gender?


Role - What is Elisa Morin’s role in your story?

Ambassador to Kayra.

face Looks
Hair Style - How does Elisa Morin style their hair?

Long, brushed out of her face; loose.

Hair Color - What color is Elisa Morin’s hair?

Dark brown, bordering dark purple.

Eye Color - What is Elisa Morin’s eye color?

Unsaturated olive

Body Type

Sleek and bony.

Skin Tone


Height - How tall is Elisa Morin?


Linked Races

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Elisa Morin have?

Curt, she sounds borderline venomous when she talks.

info History
device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
group_work Current Status

There was a certain 'event' that damaged the souls of many ambassadors. Elisa was spared.

Scene chevron_right Characters in scene link linked Elisa Morin

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