info Overview
Name - What is Nikji Bludnos’s full name?

Nikji Bludnos

Other names - What other aliases does Nikji Bludnos go by?

Yandie, E.M. 'Kji.

Role - What is Nikji Bludnos’s role in your story?

Executive manager.

Age - How old is Nikji Bludnos?


Gender - What is Nikji Bludnos’s gender?


face Looks
Hair Style - How does Nikji Bludnos style their hair?

Straight, goes down to the small of her back.

Hair Color - What color is Nikji Bludnos’s hair?


Height - How tall is Nikji Bludnos?


Weight - How much does Nikji Bludnos weigh?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Nikji Bludnos have?

Bicuspids are a different shape than those of a human, has a monolid in her eyes, and can extend her thumbnail to inhuman length.

Body Type

Has the body-type of an average woman.

Skin Tone


Race - What is Nikji Bludnos’s race?


Eye Color - What is Nikji Bludnos’s eye color?


fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Nikji Bludnos?

A total worker bee, conformist, and really neat and organized.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Nikji Bludnos have?

Runs a hand through her hair.

Motivations - What motivates Nikji Bludnos most?

To serve GalCo.

Flaws - What flaws does Nikji Bludnos have?

A bit of a slave to her work, by choice though, and will usually not bend a rule.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Nikji Bludnos have?

Cyborgs and GalCo. opponents.

Talents - What talents does Nikji Bludnos have?

Great with technology, smart as hell, a hard worker, a few speaks Earth languages and a few extraterrestrial ones.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Nikji Bludnos have?

None, she hates downtime.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Nikji Bludnos’s favorite food?


Occupation - What is Nikji Bludnos’s occupation?

Executive manager of GalCo. industrial complexes.

Politics - What politics does Nikji Bludnos have?


Religion - What religion does Nikji Bludnos practice?


Favorite color - What is Nikji Bludnos’s favorite color?


Favorite possession - What is Nikji Bludnos’s favorite possession?

Her status.

info History
Birthday - When is Nikji Bludnos’s birthday?


Background - What is Nikji Bludnos’s background?

Started out as a nobody, worked her way up.

Education - What is Nikji Bludnos’s level of education?

GCIU College.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

This character was created by shurikenwolfbadass_13 on

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