info Overview
Name - What is Elizabeth Alana Aldra ’s full name?

Elizabeth Alana Aldra

Other names - What other aliases does Elizabeth Alana Aldra go by?


Role - What is Elizabeth Alana Aldra ’s role in your story?

The child of Asteria.

Age - How old is Elizabeth Alana Aldra ?

15 (Honestly varies.)

Gender - What is Elizabeth Alana Aldra ’s gender?


face Looks
Hair Style - How does Elizabeth Alana Aldra style their hair?

Side braid. If not, some type of simple yet elegant hairstyle with a bow or some other hair accessory.

Hair Color - What color is Elizabeth Alana Aldra ’s hair?


Height - How tall is Elizabeth Alana Aldra ?

5’ 6”

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Elizabeth Alana Aldra have?

A thing white line across her left forearm.

Body Type


Skin Tone


Race - What is Elizabeth Alana Aldra ’s race?

Well... she’s ... French...

Eye Color - What is Elizabeth Alana Aldra ’s eye color?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Elizabeth Alana Aldra have?

....Well she has eyebrows... that’s not facial hair. ..right?

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Elizabeth Alana Aldra have?

She has an amazing memory (which really helps her memorize names of medicines) and is an exceptional artist. She has scarily accurate aim and practices archery.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Elizabeth Alana Aldra have?

Mess with the ribbon in her hair, play with her hair.

Motivations - What motivates Elizabeth Alana Aldra most?

That one day she’ll be a very successful doctor.

Flaws - What flaws does Elizabeth Alana Aldra have?

She’s very easy to read. She’s stubborn to let go of something.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Elizabeth Alana Aldra have?

Study science-specifically: biology and chemistry, sketch, socialize , and read.

Personality type - What personality type is Elizabeth Alana Aldra ?

Childish, ambitious, dramatic, and emotional.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Elizabeth Alana Aldra ’s favorite food?

Cheese and crackers.

Favorite animal - What is Elizabeth Alana Aldra ’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Elizabeth Alana Aldra ’s favorite weapon?

Dual swords and a bow and arrow.

Favorite possession - What is Elizabeth Alana Aldra ’s favorite possession?

Her locket and sketch book.

Favorite color - What is Elizabeth Alana Aldra ’s favorite color?

The colors of a Pinterest galaxy.

Religion - What religion does Elizabeth Alana Aldra practice?

Hellenism. (The religion where you worship Greek Gods.)

info History
Birthday - When is Elizabeth Alana Aldra ’s birthday?

April 1st.

Background - What is Elizabeth Alana Aldra ’s background?

Her dad is one of the many millionaires in the world, her dad sees no point in her going to school. So she is homeschooled.
Being a child of a minor goddess, she didn’t give off much of an aura until the age of 15. She has only been at Camp Half-Blood for 3 months, and was claimed by Asteria almost immediately.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Elizabeth Alana Aldra have?

She has no pets.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

She is a child of Asteria.


Fears: She’s scared of being alone, the silence haunts her. She’s also scared of death.


This character was created by ScarletAndHerSides on

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