info Overview
Name - What is Cynthia ’s full name?


Other names - What other aliases does Cynthia go by?

Louie's "Shimmering Girl"

Role - What is Cynthia ’s role in your story?

Louie's wife

Age - How old is Cynthia ?


Gender - What is Cynthia ’s gender?


face Looks
Hair Color - What color is Cynthia ’s hair?

Dark brown

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Cynthia have?

Rosy cheeks and eyes that crinkle when she smiles. It's like she's remembering a secret, but at the same time she wants to let everyone who sees her in on the secret as well.

Body Type


Skin Tone


Race - What is Cynthia ’s race?


Eye Color - What is Cynthia ’s eye color?

Chocolate brown

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Cynthia have?


Hair Style - How does Cynthia style their hair?

It’s a little long (a few inches past her shoulders!), but she wears all of it down most of the time. The ends are wavy.

Weight - How much does Cynthia weigh?

135 lbs.

Height - How tall is Cynthia ?


fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Cynthia have?

Painting and writing. She's a real creative type.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Cynthia have?

Cynthia is always smiling like she's holding in a secret and just wants to let someone in on the secret already. When she hears something that rustles her jimmies, she'll give the speaker a confused glare and quietly wait for them to clear up whatever they're saying. If they don't elaborate further on the thing she has a question on, she'll raise her index finger and just start speaking (she's not the type to just start speaking out everything that's going on in her mind though). When she loses her train of thought, she'll repeatedly drum her fingernails on any hard surfaces she can find. If there are none, she'll snap her fingers and stomp her foot for a while until she finds anything near what she was looking for. Crossing her arms is the only thing really natural to Cynthia. She's tried the whole hands-to-her-sides thing, it just doesn't work for her! When she's angry, she WILL yell at you until it's clear to her that you know what you did wrong. She doesn't scream very often, but when she does... she tends to erupt.

Motivations - What motivates Cynthia most?

She wants to see the day Louie's cold sweats and anxiety attacks stop. Doesn’t believe he’s ‘sick’ or something, but she does recognize how much he needs help. She’s also wanted to explore the world ever since she was little.

Flaws - What flaws does Cynthia have?

A 50-50 judge of character, reckless, slightly oblivious to... a lot of things. You can catch her jumping to conclusions, then trying to snap herself out of it, a lot.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Cynthia have?

People with bad breath, boys who whisk her out on the beach for a date, but have nothing interesting to say, and criminals.

Personality type - What personality type is Cynthia ?

Patient, but firm once she decides you've overstayed your welcome. She is not the type to be easily swayed. Creative, opinionated; won't change her stance just because she's scared of being framed as the bad guy. She’s also very passionate about certain things and will carry them to the grave if she has to. Playful. She seems not to appreciate any of Louie's pranks if they're pulled on her, but she’s secretly astonished at his cleverness. And of course, she’ll immediately try to get revenge. Outgoing. She loves talking to new people and hearing other perspectives! Adventurous. It's a dream of hers to travel the world! Independent. It may be the 1940’s, but she don’t need no man to survive. She doesn't try to sugarcoat things and won't let herself get hurt, she'll jump out of a toxic relationship quicker than it takes to say she wished she'd never been in said relationship in the first place.

groups Social
Favorite weapon - What is Cynthia ’s favorite weapon?


Politics - What politics does Cynthia have?

She prefers not to involve herself in stuff like that because it’s just a blur of political screaming children. But if she had to give you a more specific opinion than that... she thinks FDR was a good president (minus the Japanese internment...). By today’s standards, she would be somewhere between conservative and liberal. She sees valid arguments for both sides. Also a feminist (in the “give women equal rights as the men” type of way, not the “I hate men!” way).

Religion - What religion does Cynthia practice?


info History
Birthday - When is Cynthia ’s birthday?

January 20, 1918

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history Changelog
edit Notes
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This character was created by Joanne on

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