info Overview
Name - What is Leila Mokona Luthio Allenness’s full name?

Leila Mokona Luthio Allenness

Role - What is Leila Mokona Luthio Allenness’s role in your story?

Dream Weaver

Age - How old is Leila Mokona Luthio Allenness?

No one knows, but she's a few thousand years old.

Gender - What is Leila Mokona Luthio Allenness’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Leila Mokona Luthio Allenness go by?

Dream Weaver, Sabea Mokona

face Looks
Hair Style - How does Leila Mokona Luthio Allenness style their hair?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Leila Mokona Luthio Allenness have?


Eye Color - What is Leila Mokona Luthio Allenness’s eye color?

Piercing steel blue

Race - What is Leila Mokona Luthio Allenness’s race?

No one can be sure. She looks a bit Elfen, but shorter.

Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Leila Mokona Luthio Allenness have?

Shimmering silver tattoos along the side of her face in a swirling hypnotic pattern.

Skin Tone

Dark blue/black/brown

Hair Color - What color is Leila Mokona Luthio Allenness’s hair?

Silver grey

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Leila Mokona Luthio Allenness have?

Weaving, intuition, psychic.

Personality type - What personality type is Leila Mokona Luthio Allenness?


groups Social
Religion - What religion does Leila Mokona Luthio Allenness practice?

Netara Selen

Occupation - What is Leila Mokona Luthio Allenness’s occupation?

Dream Weaver

info History
device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Numbers
folder_open Sabeship
folder_open Magic
folder_open Wings

This character was created by Shei on

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