info Overview
Name - What is Brella Arazael’s full name?

Brella Arazael

Gender - What is Brella Arazael’s gender?


Role - What is Brella Arazael’s role in your story?

Background Character

Age - How old is Brella Arazael?


face Looks
Hair Style - How does Brella Arazael style their hair?

Down and around her sholders naturally, she'll have it pulled up in a bun or ponytail when she's working in mechanical things.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Brella Arazael have?

Her wings. A mark of a Lovuthan, she can store and release enrgy, or hide them when doing neither.

Skin Tone


Race - What is Brella Arazael’s race?


Eye Color - What is Brella Arazael’s eye color?


Hair Color - What color is Brella Arazael’s hair?

Slightly darker than sand brown.

Height - How tall is Brella Arazael?

She's 4'9, short for a lovuthan female. They average around 6'2

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Brella Arazael have?

She's a gifted tinkerer. Not quite a mechanic, she isn't experienced enough to work with starships or vehicles. But small electronics, gadgets, and other bits of tech are a favorite. Bionics in particular call to her.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Brella Arazael have?

She talks with her hands a lot, and likes to second guess people on matters of seemingly no question.

Motivations - What motivates Brella Arazael most?

She wants to show her world the true wonders of technology, after being stuck in a strict theocracy for so long.

Flaws - What flaws does Brella Arazael have?

Can be overenthusiastic about things that she really shouldn't be showing any enthusiasm for, such as proving an entire religion to be false.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Brella Arazael have?

She despises the Human influence on her homeworld, as they are part of the reason the Lovuthan Theocracy is still in place.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Brella Arazael have?

She tinkers with small electronics, comms devices, gadgets, and the occasional weapon.

Personality type - What personality type is Brella Arazael?

She's very strong in her beliefs of technology over religion. While she won't kill you over being religious, any open attack against technology might result in you getting tazed. Apart from that, she keeps to herself, just does tinkering jobs for people without asking why or what for. It isn't her business. That's elsewhere.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Brella Arazael’s favorite color?

Orange. Her friend, who got her into technology in the first place, was a serath.

Favorite weapon - What is Brella Arazael’s favorite weapon?

Just a laser pistol. She can overcharge that like crazy.

Favorite possession - What is Brella Arazael’s favorite possession?

Her Mechanists jacket, standard issue to all Lovuthans who would turn towards the future. She loves telling it that way.

Occupation - What is Brella Arazael’s occupation?


Politics - What politics does Brella Arazael have?

She is against the current theocratic government of Lovutha.

Religion - What religion does Brella Arazael practice?

None. She actually shuns it. Some say that she, as a Mechanist, worships technology. This is false.

info History
Background - What is Brella Arazael’s background?

She was raised by Mechanists, she is a Mechanist, and she holds true to the Arazael name, which is pretty much synonomous with Mechanist. She refuses to believe in the Lovuthan Theocracy, and promised her parents that she'd keep to her ways. She's been upholding that promise by working jobs for people in need, whether it be bio-prosthetics, weapons modifications, electronics, whatever she can do to help people. Even the odd illegal job, so long as the pay's good.

Education - What is Brella Arazael’s level of education?

She attended a Serathan engineering school.

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history Changelog
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Brella Arazael

This character was created by Mr. Shadow Unity Misfit on

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