info Overview
Name - What is Isobel Beauregard’s full name?

Isobel Beauregard

Other names - What other aliases does Isobel Beauregard go by?

Belle, Izzy, Beau, The Guard
Ceadardale Academy

Gender - What is Isobel Beauregard’s gender?


Age - How old is Isobel Beauregard?


face Looks
fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Isobel Beauregard?

She is a rather cold person, but is in actuality shy and stressed. She is rather quiet usually but once the group bonds she becomes very protective and becomes the 'Mom Friend' alongside Evan

Hobbies - What hobbies does Isobel Beauregard have?

She likes to paint and read. She likes to landscape in particular, and loves doing watercolor and guache.

Talents - What talents does Isobel Beauregard have?

She has a talent for paint and can read rather quickly. She is good at worksheets, but can get test anxiety and try to cram when she doesn't need it.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Isobel Beauregard have?

She is often cold and standoffish, due to little attachment to people as a child. She constantly wraps herself in coats and sweaters and wears as much clothing as possible. She often tries to escape to the library and study to get away from the excess noise she can hear. She tries to drown out noise with earbuds. She also has RBF

Magical Abilities

Isobel can control and feel wind-currents, and with some training use this to fly. She can change the temperature of air with her emotions, and can also hear things better on the wind. She is unaffected by strong wind-currents, but due to her sensitivity, has trouble warming up. She has the motential to learn Type Blue magic (charms and wards)

groups Social
info History
Fam_tree Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

This character was created by Jeana on

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