info Overview
Name - What is Damen Michaelis of Riversridge’s full name?

Damen Michaelis of Riversridge

Role - What is Damen Michaelis of Riversridge’s role in your story?

1/5 "main characters" but 1 of the main romance subplot with the MAIN main character. Davian is a human wizard in his late 20s who was born and lives in the realm of Riversridge where the wealthy tend to reside. He lives in a large tower on his own where he spend his time studying magic and the stars. He ended up in Elmswood, where the journey begins, because he had a vision about a temple and a bright figure (perfect opportunity to learn deitific magic?). He meets the "main" main character and those in her party by them rescuing him from a band of thieves he was in the midst of trying to talk himself, perfect timing by fate.

Other names - What other aliases does Damen Michaelis of Riversridge go by?

"velvet-tounged" (smooth talker)

Gender - What is Damen Michaelis of Riversridge’s gender?


Age - How old is Damen Michaelis of Riversridge?


face Looks
Hair Color - What color is Damen Michaelis of Riversridge’s hair?

Brown Hair

Hair Style - How does Damen Michaelis of Riversridge style their hair?

Wavy, shoulder length

Race - What is Damen Michaelis of Riversridge’s race?


fingerprint Nature
groups Social
date_range History
device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

This character was created by cj hicks on

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