assignment Overview
Main Name

The Liquidator

Full Name

Liquidator, the Silent and Sinister Converter.


the Sinister and Sinister Narrator,


Liquid Thing,

Name Meaning/Significance

The Liquidator's name comes from both his ability to turn into a near invincible and incredibly agile mass of Liquid-like matter, and also his frightening method and way of killing his enemies. After witling them down in both body and mind via his weapons, psychological warfare, and his aforementioned ability to convert into his liquidized form, he kills his enemies, and then he uses his prominent finger protrusions to liquidate first the inside, then the outside of his victims, so that he may absorb their mass, their memories, their items, and their Psyche.

Character Speech


whatshot Prophecy Poems
assignment_ind Appearance/Percievable Characteristics
equalizer Stats
archive Inner Psyche
alarm History
groups Social
device_hub Family
business Habitations/Bases of Operations
phone_android Digital/Online/Cyberspace Presence
shopping_basket Inventory
playlist_play Freud's Corner
info Misc Information

This character was created by SkullCrow on

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