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Name - What is Vixen Tallulah Colburn’s full name?

Vixen Tallulah Colburn

Other names - What other aliases does Vixen Tallulah Colburn go by?

Vix, Vixy, Vicky, Tala

Age - How old is Vixen Tallulah Colburn?


Gender - What is Vixen Tallulah Colburn’s gender?

Trans Female



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Hobbies - What hobbies does Vixen Tallulah Colburn have?

Talking walks, mostly at night under the moon and stars. Alternatively, loves running around and having fun in the rain.
Learning, she loves knowledge and will spend copious amounts of time reading books.
Poetry. Loves writing sentimental pieces, a tribute to the newfound family she was recruited to be a part of.
Music, she can listen to music for hours upon hours a day.

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Character Form

Name: Vixen Tallulah Colburn
Nickname: Vix, Vixy, Vicky
Age: 15
Gender: Trans Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Straight
Race: Human, Filipino/American

Appearance: Has somewhat hooded eyes, the shape being round and downturned. Her eyes are something between blue and green, the ring outside of the iris a darker blue than the lighter shade mixing with the green. Vixen's nose is small and slightly curved, almost bordering on straight but not quite. There is a small bump somewhere along the bridge of her nose, giving it a somewhat wavy form, but nothing too noticeable. She has small bow-shaped lips, her bottom and upper lips about the same size. The shape of her face is square, with a noticeable jawline, but soft enough to make her face seem full.
Vixen's hair is soft and wavy, raven black, and parted down the middle. It goes down past her shoulders. She usually does nothing to it except brush it out in the morning and fluff it up some when she has nowhere to be. If she has been invited out somewhere she will put products in her hair and curl it, then brush it out to make it wavy. She's never once dyed it, having a shiny illusion to it. She gets it cut regularly, only taking a few inches off the bottom because she does love her long hair and wants to keep growing it out.
Her skin is a white medium color, not really fair, but also not exactly tanned, more on the ivory or beige side. Vixen weighs 136 lbs, standing at 5'7", she has an ectomorph body type, being very boxy and thin, but not alarmingly underweight.

Clothes: Likes wearing thin oversized sweaters, usually knitted, and skinny jeans, normal t-shirts, but never long sleeves, just jackets in the winter. Wears your typical converse shoes and vans, nothing too fancy just the basics. She also wears dresses, tons of them when she doesn't have to do anything physically related. The dresses are always short, coming down to her knees, never anything that goes down her ankles as it bothers her. As for shoes, she wears small heels because again, she likes to be comfortable and she's not used to it.

Condition(s): MDD, BPD, Anxiety

Personality: Is a giant people pleaser, especially towards people she latches onto. It doesn't take much to get on her good side. You could do the bare minimum and she'd be all over you. Since she was a pretty lonely child growing up despite having a loving family, she takes any love she can get from anywhere. This isn't her parent's fault or even her sibling's fault, it's just what she was dealt with as a kid growing up. She also doesn't wait for love to fall into her lap, she goes after people who have shown even the slightest interest in her. Aside from being "pathetic" as a lot of her past friends have called her, she's a pretty outgoing person who loves to party and include others in things. She tries her best to be happy and keep the mood light. Vixen’s very upbeat and kind to a fault. People take advantage of her all the time since she doesn't have any boundaries and gives and gives until she runs out. Vixen doesn't cry often despite the circumstances she finds himself in, she tries her best to be strong and take anything that comes her way. Though everyone has a breaking point, Vixen just hasn't reached hers yet. When she is in one of her lower moods she's much quieter and does anything anyone tells her to just so they can leave her alone. She confides too quickly in people to the point where she wonders why they seemed so turned off by her.
Vixen isn't an angry person and she seems to lack that, especially when it comes to standing up for herself. It seems like she's incapable to hold any grudge against anyone no matter how bad the situation is. She tries her best to be low maintenance so people won't have to worry about her, even though deep down she wishes someone would take the time to care for her as she does for others.

Background: Vixen was born to parents who were never married and split shortly after she was born. She never got to know her father as he left when Vixen was three. She has an older sister, Blake, who worked on a job unknown to Vixen as she was not allowed to know at that point in her life, she was six. Blake was never home and when she did come back, she was beaten up and drained. Despite this, her sister and her mother did a good job of keeping up with each other, making sure they had a good support system.
They used to be really close even though their jobs took out a large portion of their time together, Vixen’s mother working around the clock being a single parent. Because of this Vixen has mostly kept to herself in recent years so as to not bother them. She knows that her sister and mother will be there for her if she needs them, but she wants to be able to live without depending on them all the time. Even though Vixen had a loving sister and mother, she still felt very alone as a kid because her mother would be at work and her sister at what they called a "special school" that would keep her away from home, sometimes for days at a time. Vixen also attended school, but it was a normal public school. She grew up lonely in daycares and at home by herself most of the time as sometimes her mother didn't have the means to pay off someone to look after her.

Right now she's living in an apartment by herself which she struggles to pay every month. Vixen goes to school but doesn't work, just finding small jobs here and there to pay for the rent and bills, sometimes not even being able to buy food. It's troubling since she usually invites her "friends" out to eat a lot with the little money she's supposed to keep to get by. But her people-pleaser nature feels the need to be seen in good light with her friends even if they are just using Vixen.

Other: https://pin.it/1szmQOZ

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This character was created by Daiz Tadhg on Notebook.ai.

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