info Overview
Name - What is Reiner Jens Neuhäusser ’s full name?

Reiner Jens Neuhäusser

Role - What is Reiner Jens Neuhäusser ’s role in your story?

Main character, love interest

Other names - What other aliases does Reiner Jens Neuhäusser go by?

His name is pronounced RYE-nar, but he also is commonly known by: Tiger, Tigre, pequeño tigre, Señor Gato, Korporal Neuhäusser

Gender - What is Reiner Jens Neuhäusser ’s gender?

Male he/him

Age - How old is Reiner Jens Neuhäusser ?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Reiner Jens Neuhäusser ?


Hair Color - What color is Reiner Jens Neuhäusser ’s hair?

Red, a nice, rich, coppery metallic red.

Hair Style - How does Reiner Jens Neuhäusser style their hair?

He's got slightly longer than average hair, and it's naturally pretty wavy, giving it a disheveled look. It's not at ponytail length yet, but sometimes he uses hairclips to keep it out of his face

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Reiner Jens Neuhäusser have?

He's got a very neat beard + moustache situation going on, super trim, super nice. It's very short, but long enough to see color well.

Eye Color - What is Reiner Jens Neuhäusser ’s eye color?

Deep blue

Race - What is Reiner Jens Neuhäusser ’s race?


Skin Tone

White, and yes, he does have freckles on his cheeks, shoulders, and kinda down his back too

Body Type

To the tune of "we will rock you:"
buddy you're a boy, you're a big, big, boy, your a big, big, big, big, big, big boy gawd-damn**

He's tall and graceful, but not lithe by any means. He's always struggled to put on visible muscle, but he also loves working out and is 100% the guy who spends hours and hours at the gym. His actual bulk comes from not just muscle, he's also got a nice layer of pillow fluff <3 He's not what anyone would call fat, but he's huggable, and he's a very comfy person to lie on. If he's not specifically flexing, he's got a soft tummy and arms. When he does flex, then all that muscle becomes visible. He's not toned, he's thick <3

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Reiner Jens Neuhäusser have?

Freckles on his face, cheeks, shoulders, and back, as mentioned, he's got a single silver hoop earing on his right ear, and a scar that runs through his hair and causes it to swirl weirdly and cowlick in places. His canines are just slightly sharp, (naturally), and he knows and uses this fact to his advantage. He also has a beautiful roman nose

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Reiner Jens Neuhäusser have?

- He's a very energetically large presence, he tends to project himself into any space he occupies.
- Big grins are a must
- Kinda pulls himself up when he's happy, it gives him (even more) confidence and he goes to his full height, positively glowing.
- He's VERY flirtatious. If he's not hitting on you, there is Something Wrong with either you or him
- Expressive. He doesn't hide his emotions well, even if he were to try.
- He the kind of guy to cover his face with his hands and sorta 'fake swoon' if you reciprocate his flirt attempts. Fake swooning involves closing his eyes, smiling shyly (he's not shy), and shrinking into himself for just one breath while he cups his cheeks in his hands and probably blushes
- "Wow, du bist so wunderbar, ich glaube, ich bin in dich verliebt!" (Please forgive inaccuracies, I'm still learning)
- Knows when to back off.
- Physical communication is almost as important to him as verbal communication.

- It's very hard to make him angry, but he doesn't so much glare as stare in a sort of recoiled disgust, very taken aback.
- Fiery. Will snap at you and yell.
- Keeps his physical distance as if he doesn't want to be close to you, but if you get in his space, he'll match the energy.
- Gets his feelings hurt easily, and it's hard for him to forgive.
- At the same time, he easily seeks forgiveness. If he feels he was in the wrong, he will actively seek reconciliation and have very open conversations about how he can do better in the future.

Personality type - What personality type is Reiner Jens Neuhäusser ?


groups Social
Favorite weapon - What is Reiner Jens Neuhäusser ’s favorite weapon?

His stunning good looks and unashamed flirting

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This character was created by William on

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