info Overview
Name - What is Jack C. Smith’s full name?

Jack C. Smith

Role - What is Jack C. Smith’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Jack C. Smith go by?

Shatter, the Shattered Man

Gender - What is Jack C. Smith’s gender?


Age - How old is Jack C. Smith?

17, though he has been reincarnated many many times and remembers all of them.

face Looks
Weight - How much does Jack C. Smith weigh?


Height - How tall is Jack C. Smith?


Hair Color - What color is Jack C. Smith’s hair?

Dirty Blonde

Hair Style - How does Jack C. Smith style their hair?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Jack C. Smith have?


Eye Color - What is Jack C. Smith’s eye color?

Emerald green

Race - What is Jack C. Smith’s race?


Skin Tone

Jack is as pale as the moon on a clear halloween night.

Body Type

Muscular, slim, well built

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Jack C. Smith have?

missing both his canine teeth

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Jack C. Smith have?

very nervous when he is himself, however, when in the mask, he has such unrivaled confidence and skill.

Motivations - What motivates Jack C. Smith most?

after all the lives he's lived, he is just wants to figure out what it all means, and out of all the people on earth, in the universe really, why did the mask choose him?

Flaws - What flaws does Jack C. Smith have?

His Anxiety, his loneliness, experiences much pain when kicked in the nuts.

Personality type - What personality type is Jack C. Smith?

He do be a Slytherin

groups Social
Occupation - What is Jack C. Smith’s occupation?

Unemployed superhero vigilante

date_range History
Birthday - When is Jack C. Smith’s birthday?

April 6th, every life somehow he has shared the same birthday.

Education - What is Jack C. Smith’s level of education?

He has many degrees across the ages, not to mention the countless amount of experience he gained sailing with pirates, crusading with knights, conquering with Vikings, marching in protests with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and so much more.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

When he was ten, he found the mask. As soon as he touched it it took him back to the stone age as a baby. Since then he has died, been born again, and done all the things in between many many times. So many times that he has lost count. Though his body may change from life to life, three things remain the same:

  1. He has access to his own private pocket dimension, and can control various aspects of time and space.

  2. He recieves a list from the mask of people he must either kill or bring to justice.

  3. he falls in love.

the last time he died, he returned to the present day, in his original body, in the exact moment when he touched the mask for the first time. no time had passed. but when the mask gave him another list, he had to leave and go complete it. in the middle of the night he left home without saying goodbye because he knew that if he did, then he would never leave. since then he has made many enemies, but brought many to justice as the one known as... SHATTER!

Jack C. Smith is included in the following collections
The Public Domain by @Eldest-God-andrew
Works dedicated to the Public Domain

This character was created by Jessicah Armstrong on

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