info Overview
Name - What is Ryan Maindo’s full name?

Ryan Maindo

Role - What is Ryan Maindo’s role in your story?


Gender - What is Ryan Maindo’s gender?


Age - How old is Ryan Maindo?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Ryan Maindo weigh?

150 lbs

Height - How tall is Ryan Maindo?

6' 0"

Hair Color - What color is Ryan Maindo’s hair?

Ash blonde

Hair Style - How does Ryan Maindo style their hair?

Wildly let down, about jawline length. He can put his hair in his mouth, that's about how long it is

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Ryan Maindo have?


Eye Color - What is Ryan Maindo’s eye color?

His right eye is pure black, with a red pupil. His left eye is electric blue

Race - What is Ryan Maindo’s race?


Skin Tone

Light Tan

Body Type

Lightly muscled, a bit on the scrawny side


Likes to dress in a magician-like outfit, except no hat or staff.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Ryan Maindo have?

Carries himself with an intimidating confidence

Personality type - What personality type is Ryan Maindo?

He's smart and analytical, but sometimes gets caught up in his abilities.

groups Social
date_range History
Birthday - When is Ryan Maindo’s birthday?

March 12

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

The Unknown Element is one of Unknown Capabilties. Able to mimic other powers on sight as well as enhance them, it is considered the most powerful element, with only two beings on earth who possess it.

content_paste Backstory
insert_emoticon Personality

This character was created by jackelope12 on

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