info Overview
Name - What is Lybra San Disu’s full name?

Lybra San Disu

Full Name

Libra Cielo Solero San Disu

Other names - What other aliases does Lybra San Disu go by?

Libra Solero (His real name; only spoken by his mother, his internal dialogue, and Ali'sen once)

Captain San Disu (His official title, used by the public and the crew when they want to be formal)

Name meaning

Lybra is derived from his real name Libra, which means "balance" in Latin.


Captain (to the public): Self explanatory, he only goes by Captain San Disu or the Captain by anyone other than his closest friends.

Ly/S.D. (to his crew mates): Shortened versions of his name.

Levelhead (to Ali'sen): A teasing nickname making fun of his calm disposition in hectic situations

Age - How old is Lybra San Disu?

18 years

Birthday - When is Lybra San Disu’s birthday?

15 October 2137


Cis male




face Looks
Height - How tall is Lybra San Disu?



Messy black hair down to his shoulders, occasionally tied up in a small ponytail.


Described by Ali'sen as "the color of warm honey".

Skin Tone

Copper brown

Race - What is Lybra San Disu’s race?

Terran (Human)


A Libra symbol on his upper left bicep, a pair of wings across his collarbones, and a set of scales (the symbol of the Lucy crew) on his left shoulder blade.


Missing his right arm at the shoulder and wears a prosthetic. Otherwise, multiple scars across his face and body from his occupation.

accessibility_new Outfit/Style

Black or red work shirt and combat pants, signature black combat boots with bright pink laces, leather flight jacket when Ali'sen hasn't stolen it.


Dark red button down and black dress pants + lots and lots of jewelry and the same boots.


Lots of gold necklaces. Gold rings and bracelets on his left hand. Black or gold studs for earrings--he rarely wears dangles, as they can get in the way of his work.

wifi_tethering Personality

Chaotic Neutral

Zodiac Sign


Libras are intelligent, strong-minded people who are excellent at balancing their life.

fingerprint Nature
Motivations - What motivates Lybra San Disu most?

To live another day

Flaws - What flaws does Lybra San Disu have?

Very headstrong and confident that he can often become stubborn and vain.

Talents - What talents does Lybra San Disu have?

An excellent leader; able to keep his cool in stressful situations, comes up with good plans on the fly, intelligent and caring.


Prominent ADHD which can affect the way he interacts with other people and his environments.

touch_app Mannerisms
leak_add Voice
groups Social

Robin Luez
Magpie Prier
Elidi Nassaj


Ali'sen (briefly)
Senator Torhis
General Mica

equalizer Stats
data_usage Trivia
date_range History
device_hub Family

Lucy Solero & Odysseus San Disu

Love Interests


edit Misc

This character was created by Shea on

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