info Overview
Name - What is Kain Valdetta’s full name?

Kain Valdetta

Role - What is Kain Valdetta’s role in your story?

Chosen hero of The Circlet of Ice

Other names - What other aliases does Kain Valdetta go by?


Gender - What is Kain Valdetta’s gender?

male, he/him

Age - How old is Kain Valdetta?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Kain Valdetta?

5' 10''

Hair Color - What color is Kain Valdetta’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Kain Valdetta style their hair?

Shoulder-length, spiky, typically in a ponytail

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Kain Valdetta have?


Eye Color - What is Kain Valdetta’s eye color?

Arctic blue

Skin Tone


Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Kain Valdetta have?

Mild scars on his face and hands

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Kain Valdetta have?

Hides his emotions well but not when surprised or put on the spot, glares often, grits his teeth when nervous or angry

Motivations - What motivates Kain Valdetta most?

At first, he is driven by a sense of duty and his desire to prove himself. Later, he gains strength in his own ideals and learns that he would rather place his loyalty in people he cares about.

Flaws - What flaws does Kain Valdetta have?

Closed off, self-critical

Prejudices - What prejudices does Kain Valdetta have?

Was taught to believe that Winter was the superior Domain

Talents - What talents does Kain Valdetta have?

Skilled in combat and battle strategy

Hobbies - What hobbies does Kain Valdetta have?


Personality type - What personality type is Kain Valdetta?



This is all a base for Kain's personality at the beginning of the story and is subject to change as his character develops.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Kain Valdetta practice?

Kain is a strong believer in Domainism. He adheres to it's doctrine before any other law or authority figure.

Politics - What politics does Kain Valdetta have?

Kain's family has ties to Winter's royal family. Most of the men in his family served on the royal guard at some point in their life. His father is currently the head of Winter's army and the Queen's personal security unit.

Occupation - What is Kain Valdetta’s occupation?

Training to join the ranks of the royal guard

Favorite color - What is Kain Valdetta’s favorite color?

sky blue

Favorite food - What is Kain Valdetta’s favorite food?

Hot soup or broth

Favorite possession - What is Kain Valdetta’s favorite possession?

A sword with his family name carved into the guard.

Favorite weapon - What is Kain Valdetta’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Kain Valdetta’s favorite animal?

The snow runners that carry people across the Winter Domain

Job - What job does Kain Valdetta have?


date_range History
Education - What is Kain Valdetta’s level of education?

He was educated expansively by private tutors.

Background - What is Kain Valdetta’s background?

Kain Valdetta was born in the Winter Domain to Odette and Agnar Valdetta. He is the youngest of his parents two children, Hyacinth (27) and himself. He grew up in Northpoint, the Valdetta family's ancestral mansion. He lived in the same house as his aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, and the rest of his extended family. From the time he could walk, he was trained to one day join the ranks of Winter's army and continue his family's legacy. Kain received a lot of pressure from his parents and relatives, eventually leading him the mindset that love and friendship was something that he wasn't worthy of. He pushed himself in his training and ignored his passions, like music, in an attempt to earn his parents approval. His sister, Hyacinth, was the only relative that stuck by his side and encouraged him to just be a kid. Sadly, Hyacinth has a falling out with her parents, causing her to flee Northpoint at the age of 18. Kain was 8 at the time. After that, he closed himself off emotionally and focused only on his training. He had a great skill for combat and was well respected among the other trainees and recruits. He swore he'd be loyal to Winter forever and serve her dutifully. That was, until Rosetta Lightfell got herself detained by the border guard. Kain was placed to guard her cell until she could be questioned and moved to the palace dungeon. In that time, she told Kain that the Vale was in danger, and that if he cared for Winter at all he would let her go. Kain was moved by her speech and helped her escape Winter's borders. He then journeyed with her back to and eventually joined her party on a quest to save the Vale. It was during this time that he met Nicoli Brightly and Iris Hanover.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
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This character was created by Lola Graves on

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