info Overview
Name - What is Khimah Goldmaker’s full name?

Khimah Goldmaker

Role - What is Khimah Goldmaker’s role in your story?

Khimah is a low tier wizard in Neverrock, He has taken the ruling position of the town, helping expand its fishing.

Other names - What other aliases does Khimah Goldmaker go by?

Khimah the Brave, Khimah the Bold

Gender - What is Khimah Goldmaker’s gender?

Khimah is a male

Age - How old is Khimah Goldmaker?

Khimah has been ruling Neverrock for the past 100 years, no one knows how old he truly is, but some believe him to be at least 160

face Looks
Weight - How much does Khimah Goldmaker weigh?

Khimah weighs about 139 Irons (1 Iron being about the equilivant to 2.13 Lbs).

Height - How tall is Khimah Goldmaker?

Khimah is the average height for a dwarf, he is 4"2.

Hair Color - What color is Khimah Goldmaker’s hair?

Khimah's hair is bright red

Hair Style - How does Khimah Goldmaker style their hair?

Khimah styles his hair in long wavy cascading falls

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Khimah Goldmaker have?

Khimah has a thick beard that grows down to roughly his nipple line.

Eye Color - What is Khimah Goldmaker’s eye color?

Khimah's eyes are a pale blue, as is characteristic of all deep dwarves.

Race - What is Khimah Goldmaker’s race?

Khimah is a Deep Dwarf, A race that likes to spend their time deep in the earth, mining Acherions precious metals.

Linked Races

Skin Tone

Khimah has a dark brown skin tone.

Body Type

Khimah has is a short and plump man, while the people of neverrock consider him to be a good leader, he does spend alot of his time feasting.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Khimah Goldmaker have?

Khimah has a large scar running down from his left eye to his chin, No one knows where he got his scar from.

fingerprint Nature

While Khimah keeps a very healthy appearance, even telling the inhabitants of Neverrock that he suffers from no illness. There are rumours that he suffers from a mysterious disease.

groups Social
date_range History
device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

This character was created by Octavio, Patron of Storytelling on

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