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Name - What is Astlabor of Gilead’s full name?

Astlabor of Gilead

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The Exiled King

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Astlabor, the exiled king, had been banished from the Sunlit Lands after a nearly successful plot by his brother to murder and usurp him. He escaped as the sole survivor of his small family and landed in Westernesse. He is a proud man, skilled in war and who is quiet about his feelings, with adroit political instincts. To know him is to fear him: he is shrewd with a long memory for slights and insults, but also willing to forgive those who have wronged him if their heart is true and they mean him no harm. When it comes to obstacles to his goals there may be a conflict of interests with King Arthur. He leads the Saracen Envoy refugees in the south of Westernesse as caliph and carries on with his duties for his late wife and son— his interest may yet conflict with King Arthur.


This character was created by Will Lentz on

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