info Overview
Name - What is Emory Starlias Baptistin-Leclercq’s full name?

Emory Starlias Baptistin-Leclercq

Other names - What other aliases does Emory Starlias Baptistin-Leclercq go by?


Gender - What is Emory Starlias Baptistin-Leclercq’s gender?

Trans male (He/They)

Age - How old is Emory Starlias Baptistin-Leclercq?

Equivalent of 32 years

face Looks
Weight - How much does Emory Starlias Baptistin-Leclercq weigh?

141 pounds

Height - How tall is Emory Starlias Baptistin-Leclercq?

5' 7"

Hair Color - What color is Emory Starlias Baptistin-Leclercq’s hair?

Dirty Blonde

Hair Style - How does Emory Starlias Baptistin-Leclercq style their hair?

Long hair, wavy, half-up-half-down hairstyle

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Emory Starlias Baptistin-Leclercq have?


Eye Color - What is Emory Starlias Baptistin-Leclercq’s eye color?


Race - What is Emory Starlias Baptistin-Leclercq’s race?

Half Indigenous Trevian (Cape Heynderickx, Highlands), 1/4 French (Lille, France), and 1/4 Irish (Newcastle, Ireland)

Skin Tone

Roughly the shade of Mahogany wood

Body Type

Lithe, lean, fit/trim build

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Emory Starlias Baptistin-Leclercq have?

Deeply sarcastic and witty, with an almost permanent resting-bitch-face.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Emory Starlias Baptistin-Leclercq have?

Emory dabbles in pottery and is almost constantly drawing something.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Emory Starlias Baptistin-Leclercq practice?
Occupation - What is Emory Starlias Baptistin-Leclercq’s occupation?

Metropolitan Archbishop of Druidic Judaism, Trevia II Synod

Favorite color - What is Emory Starlias Baptistin-Leclercq’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Emory Starlias Baptistin-Leclercq’s favorite food?


Job - What job does Emory Starlias Baptistin-Leclercq have?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Emory Starlias Baptistin-Leclercq’s birthday?

Equivalent of 20 August

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
Religion chevron_right Notable figures link linked Emory Starlias Baptistin-Leclercq

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