info Overview
Name - What is Charon Hawksley’s full name?

Charon Hawksley

Full Name

Charon Selke Hawksley

Other names - What other aliases does Charon Hawksley go by?

Hawkeye, Watcher of Shadows, Stae Rex, Charon Selke Hawksley

Role - What is Charon Hawksley’s role in your story?


Gender - What is Charon Hawksley’s gender?




Age - How old is Charon Hawksley?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Charon Hawksley weigh?


Height - How tall is Charon Hawksley?


Body Type

Broad, but lightly muscled

Hair Color - What color is Charon Hawksley’s hair?

Charcoal gray

Hair Style - How does Charon Hawksley style their hair?

Short, slicked back with an undercut

Eye Color - What is Charon Hawksley’s eye color?

Electric blue

Skin Tone


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Charon Hawksley have?

His thick black eyeliner, his slicked/combed hair, and his earrings

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Charon Hawksley have?

Charon is cold and detached



groups Social
Religion - What religion does Charon Hawksley practice?

Band of the Moon/Diashi/Vrysha

Occupation - What is Charon Hawksley’s occupation?

Leader of the Stargliders

Favorite color - What is Charon Hawksley’s favorite color?

Pitch black

Favorite possession - What is Charon Hawksley’s favorite possession?

His eyeliner/hair gel

Favorite weapon - What is Charon Hawksley’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Charon Hawksley’s favorite animal?

Nightingale/Moon Phoenix

Job - What job does Charon Hawksley have?

Leader of the Stargliders

date_range History
Birthday - When is Charon Hawksley’s birthday?

December 24


device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Charon Hawksley have?

Pitch/Shard(Raven) and Achlys(Arizona Black Rattlesnake)

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
folder_open Powers


Nakama Ablities

Can make nightmares come true

folder_open Quotes
folder_open Stats
folder_open Sexuality
Sexual Orientation


folder_open Fears
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This character was created by Lauryn on

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