info Overview
Name - What is Cymbeline Sundaset’s full name?

Cymbeline Sundaset

Role - What is Cymbeline Sundaset’s role in your story?

Prince/King of light
Dragon Shifter

Other names - What other aliases does Cymbeline Sundaset go by?

king of black sun, the light giver, light shifter

Gender - What is Cymbeline Sundaset’s gender?


Age - How old is Cymbeline Sundaset?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Cymbeline Sundaset weigh?

85 kg

Height - How tall is Cymbeline Sundaset?

6'1 or 185.4cm

Hair Color - What color is Cymbeline Sundaset’s hair?

blond at the roots ombres to orange

Hair Style - How does Cymbeline Sundaset style their hair?

Long hair, straight

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Cymbeline Sundaset have?


Eye Color - What is Cymbeline Sundaset’s eye color?


Skin Tone

Colour Hex C56949

Body Type

The current picture doesn't show much or his finished design. He's got alot of muscle, but he's not super muscular.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Cymbeline Sundaset have?

light dusting of scales on his cheekbones

fingerprint Nature
Motivations - What motivates Cymbeline Sundaset most?

wants the day kingdom to be held higher by the world than the night kingdom

Flaws - What flaws does Cymbeline Sundaset have?

Thinks he's better than everyone at everything.

Talents - What talents does Cymbeline Sundaset have?

born with the ability to manipulate light, quickly learned fire afterwards.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Cymbeline Sundaset have?

sword fighting, flying (not too far from the ground, for trauma reasons)

Personality type - What personality type is Cymbeline Sundaset?

confident, knows he's better than everyone else.

groups Social
Politics - What politics does Cymbeline Sundaset have?

he's the prince of the day kingdom

Occupation - What is Cymbeline Sundaset’s occupation?

full time heir to the throne

Favorite color - What is Cymbeline Sundaset’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Cymbeline Sundaset’s favorite food?

watermelon dipped in gold

Favorite possession - What is Cymbeline Sundaset’s favorite possession?

the sword he stole from Lady Nyx at his coronation.

Favorite weapon - What is Cymbeline Sundaset’s favorite weapon?

His Sun Sword

Favorite animal - What is Cymbeline Sundaset’s favorite animal?

Pantherilla leouten

Job - What job does Cymbeline Sundaset have?

when he's not busy he likes to babysit the baby dragons at the academy.

folder_open Magic
Specific magic

Dragon shifter, fire.

How they use it

can shift into a dragon and fly around and breath fire, when not in dragon form he can only summon and control the fire with his hands.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Cymbeline Sundaset’s birthday?

when the first sun is at its closest to the castle.

Education - What is Cymbeline Sundaset’s level of education?

Graduate from the royal fire trainers academy.


day Castle

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Cymbeline Sundaset have?

He considers the full dragon hatchlings at the Dragon riders Academy his pets.

edit Notes

he has a fear of heights

folder_open Music that fits
Short list

Every body Loves Me - Onerepublic

folder_open outfits
Character chevron_right Friends link linked Cymbeline Sundaset

Character chevron_right Enemies link linked Cymbeline Sundaset

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This character was created by emmren on

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