info Overview
Name - What is Aria Turner’s full name?

Aria Turner

Role - What is Aria Turner’s role in your story?

goblin girl, metalsmith, chaos

Other names - What other aliases does Aria Turner go by?

she goes by Ari.

Gender and sexuality

cis woman (she/her,) hypersexual pan.

Age - How old is Aria Turner?

17 at the beginning of the story.

face Looks
Weight - How much does Aria Turner weigh?


Height - How tall is Aria Turner?


Hair Color - What color is Aria Turner’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Aria Turner style their hair?

short bob with long bangs that cover her left eye (she has a scar over that eye and the bangs are to cover it)

Eye Color - What is Aria Turner’s eye color?

yellowy orange.

Race + Ethnicity

daughter of the thunder goddess (minor deity but she heavily takes after her mother) so demigod.

Skin Tone


Body Type

muscular and well built.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Aria Turner have?

scar through her left eye, her handmade jewelry.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Aria Turner have?

she is loud and confident. very good reflexes, good eye for valuables. lots of life experience. she's very confident but tends to hold herself smaller than she is. good posture. she wears emo clothes when she dresses up and plain clothes to work. at home she tends to wear baggy sweaters. very expressive and ambitious. decisive when she knows what she's doing. actually quite competent. reacts big and uses the most amount of appropriate force at every opportunity

Motivations - What motivates Aria Turner most?

she just wants to honor her mother really, whether she realizes it or not.

Flaws - What flaws does Aria Turner have?

flirting with people who may seriously not reciprocate, can be selfish or want to remain in control when the situation shouldn't allow for her to.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Aria Turner have?

hates decorum and wasting time, hates authority, condescension, and formality. hates shallowness.

Talents - What talents does Aria Turner have?

metalsmithing, charm, reflexes, adaptability.

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