info Overview
Name - What is Eva Martinez’s full name?

Eva Martinez

Role - What is Eva Martinez’s role in your story?

a friend, the go-between.

Other names - What other aliases does Eva Martinez go by?

Ev. (her name is pronounced EH-va and Ev is pronounced like Eva without the a.)

Gender and sexuality

cis woman, (she/her/hers,) omnisexual.

Age - How old is Eva Martinez?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Eva Martinez?


Hair Color - What color is Eva Martinez’s hair?

bleach blonde but not platinum. her natural ash brown roots are usually visible.

Hair Style - How does Eva Martinez style their hair?

she has heat-damaged hair to slightly below her shoulders that she curls into beachy waves. she also has wispy bangs.

Eye Color - What is Eva Martinez’s eye color?

a mid-intensity brown.

Race + Ethnicity

hispanic (undecided on specifics and tbh it doesn't matter to the story)

Skin Tone

warm yellow-toned beige.

Body Type

like an instagram fitness guru. she cares about being in good shape and showing off her achievements in this regard.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Eva Martinez have?

Her hair would probably serve pretty well to identify her. She also wears huge round glasses.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Eva Martinez have?

She smiles with her full face even when being sarcastic. Also probably nervous laughing and pacing.

groups Social
date_range History
device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Flaws link mentioned Eva Martinez

This character was created by ren on

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