info Overview
Name - What is Alice Moore’s full name?

Alice Moore



Age - How old is Alice Moore?




Occupation - What is Alice Moore’s occupation?




Birthday - When is Alice Moore’s birthday?

October 9

Played By:

Taylor Momsen

face Looks
Height - How tall is Alice Moore?

5'6" // 168 cm

Body Type


Skin Tone

Pale white

Eye Color - What is Alice Moore’s eye color?


Hair Color - What color is Alice Moore’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Alice Moore style their hair?

Long and messy


Alice wears a lot of black. Ripped jeans, band t-shirts, dresses, chains, knee-high or combat books, fishnet stockings and a lot of mixed jewelry.

Identifying Marks/Scars

For someone as clumsy as her, and not as self-perserving as she should be, she has surprisingly few scars, though she's not without them. Mostly, she often sports a handful of bruises at any given time.

fingerprint Personality
Personality Overview

Alice… is a mess.

She has always been a, generally, very happy person. That is, when she’s not sucked into one of her periods of depression. Along with depression comes anxiety, and she suffers from regular panic attacks. When things are bad, she tends to have nightmares almost every night.
She’s sweet and pretty easy-going, and often finds new people incredibly interesting, even if her shyness doesn’t allow her to show it properly. She has a very open mind, and is the kind of person who likes everyone she meets until they give her a reason not to. That said, she can be very timid, and often worries about what others will think of her. As an extension of this, she is easily intimidated.
Alice is a ‘quiet giver’. She’s not very good at putting into words that she cares for you - not because she has trouble phrasing it, but because she’s unsure about your reaction. She is however, very good at showing it by being supportive, helpful and from time to time buying or making you gifts.
She’s a bit of a pleaser, constantly worried about making mistakes or taking a wrong step around other people.

Due to the death of her best friend, plus both the events leading up to it and the aftermath, Alice is currently in the clutches of her deepest depression yet. Although things are getting slightly (and slowly) better, and she manages to both smile and have normal (normal for Alice) conversations with people, she has a long way to go, and is not entirely convinced she’s going to make it.

My fragile flower ♥


• Thora - Lady Phrostfur has become the one thing that holds Alice together, and she owes the woman her life a few times over. Thora is the one stable thing in her life, the only person she trusts.
• The library - Before her life quite literally went to hell, the library was her favourite haunt. This has been true for as long as she can remember: in Kiri, Bear River, Helena, and all other places she’s lived. Now that she’s slowly venturing out into the real world again, it’s very likely that the same will be true for Snow Haven.
• Music/playing guitar - Before her mess of a life in Snow Haven, Alice owned a guitar, which was her absolute favourite possession. Oftentimes she wishes she still had it, but has as of yet been unable to utter that desire. She spends many hours lying on the floor of her room, listening to music and being completely lost in it.
• Drawing/painting - Alice used to have several creative hobbies, but is currently focused on drawing. She’s always been able to get so absorbed in it that she accidentally skips several meals (Thora is making sure that doesn’t happen now). During the past couple of years, she has spent a good amount of time sketching, but has thrown every single piece out.
• Animals - Alice has always been a big animal lover, especially a big fan of cats, and has wanted a cat (or any pet, really) for as long as she can remember. Ironically, that is one wish that was sort of fulfilled when her world fell to pieces. Thora’s home is practically one big cat rescue, and Alice loves especially the big ones. They are about the only thing that can bring a peaceful look to her face these days. Ragnarok - Thora’s panther - is her favourite.
• There’s something about people who are never afraid of anything, or at least never seem to be, that she finds incredibly fascinating, very attractive and slightly intimidating.


• Alice does not like being out in the rain. It is cold and icky and it makes her hair stick to her face, and her clothes stick to her skin. The only thing rain is good for (except of course being something nature needs), is as an excuse to stay inside and curl up with a book.
• Something she absolutely despises is crumbs in her bed. She never, ever eats there, and never lets anyone else do it either. Her bed is always nicely made, even if the rest of her house can sometimes be a bit of a mess, so nothing can sneak under the covers.
• While she generally likes people, there are lots of things about strangers and people in general she cannot handle. Being the centre of attention is bad, and just in general getting attention from several people at once. This is why she does not hang out with more than one or maybe two people at once if she can avoid it (she can’t always, of course), and she does not do crowds or other masses of people unless forced to. She would rather go home and wait a couple of hours, or even go hungry, than do grocery shopping when there are too many people.
• In relation to the above, Alice does not like birthdays. Or, more specifically: her own birthdays. She would much rather give gifts than receive them, though she won’t be (too) difficult about it. She just would never ask for anything, and will never mention her birthday unless you bring it up.
• Last minute changes and last minute decisions are the worst. She doesn’t have to be prepared for absolutely everything that happens, and she’s fine with questions like ‘Hey, do you wanna hang out now?’, but if you just call her out of nowhere saying you’re on the way, or if you and her are supposed to meet at a specific time, and you’re suddenly very late (or worse, very early), it won’t go over well. Of course, she will not complain. Alice never does.
• Alice can be very affectionate to people she is close to, but something that makes her incredibly uncomfortable is if strangers get too close. Especially strangers who want to shake your hand or otherwise touch you, and she does not like getting hugs from people the first time she meets them.
• Gelatine. Yuck.


• Alice is not the kind of person who makes a new friend every other week, but those she does have she holds very dear. She will be there for them always, even if the contact has died out a bit, and she will do whatever she can to help when it’s needed.
• She often spends more money on friends than on herself; if she sees something that makes her think of you, there’s a good chance she’ll buy it.
• Alice loves to learn, and the only things she hasn’t learnt quickly - at least of the things she didn’t hate - is control of her powers. She blames that mostly on her insecurity, though.
• Not only does she love music and her guitar, she plays it really well. She could easily be in a band if she had any desire to perform.
• Alice is very passionate and dedicated when it comes to things she cares about, be it the people she hangs out with or her hobbies.
• She is the epitome of kindness. There is not a trace of mean in her. She doesn’t always say the right thing, but she always, always means well. She doesn’t think she’s very good at it, but she will always try to make you feel better.
• Alice is very forgiving, and she does not hold a grudge. If you apologise, you’re pretty much guaranteed to be back in her good books. Even if you don’t, you might still be.
• Outside of the worst depressions, and despite all of her anxieties, it’s very easy to make her smile.


• Absolutely terrifying nightmares keep her up most nights, and wakes her several times on all the other nights. She’s suffered from night terrors since she was a baby, but at the moment it is every single night.
“My clumsiness is crippling. Literally.” She’s broken several bones from stupid accidents. She always has bruises and scrapes, constantly looking like she’s been in a fight with a rose bush.
• Every emotion Alice feels is painted on her face, and she’s incredibly easy to read - something she hates a lot.
• She also blushes very easily, something she has been teased with a lot when she was younger.
• Alice is easily distracted and has often been described as absent-minded. She is only truly concentrated when she immerses herself in one of her hobbies.
• She has a bad tendency to get closed off when certain people get too close to her, mainly because she’s afraid if they get to know her too well they’ll turn and run. It’s worse in periods where she’s down, and it can take a lot to convince her it’s stupid. Now this tendency is fortified by the fact that she has literally lost everyone she has ever loved.
• Despite loving to be social (that is, when she can handle being out of her own room), she absolutely hates being put on the spot. She’s incredibly shy, and it takes her a long time to properly relax around people.
• Along with that, Alice is also very self-conscious.


(Probably) hetero

Friends & Enemies

Outside of Thora, Alice's circle of friends and acquaintances is very, very small, and we're looking to expand that a little bit. This could be people she meets around town, or it could be a longterm internet friend she finally gets the chance to meet. Could also be someone she meets online as a new connection and they discover they both coincidentally live in SH.
She needs some friends (however reluctant she might be). Push her a little and she'll be up for all sorts of adventures. Will also play video games with you! Just be aware she's slow to open up, but not unwilling.

Alice hasn't had a chance yet to make anyone dislike her enough to be considered an enemy. Maybe in time? I don't have plot ideas for this, but am open to suggestions.

Love & Romance

In her current state, it's going to take quite a lot for anyone to get close enough for her to even consider being ready to start dating, but she is not at all closed off to it. In fact, I think she needs someone special in her life, someone who treats her really well, and doesn't leave room for her to get too insecure about whether she's actually important to them.

She needs a lot of reassurance, ngl, attention and affection and all of the hugs.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Alice Moore have?

Playing the guitar, singing, drawing, buying and listening to so much music.

all_inclusive Characterization
Favorite color - What is Alice Moore’s favorite color?

Black, green and red

Favorite food - What is Alice Moore’s favorite food?

Iced coffee
That's not food? Okay.
Mac n cheese

Favorite possession - What is Alice Moore’s favorite possession?

Her acoustic guitar

Occupation - What is Alice Moore’s occupation?

Searching for herself

groups Relationships
Family Overview

• Mother: Rebecca Moore [Deceased]
• Sister: Eliza Moore [Status unknown]

Lovers/Love Interests

date_range History
Birthday - When is Alice Moore’s birthday?

October 9

Current Residence

Snow Haven

Education - What is Alice Moore’s level of education?

College dropout



Detailed History

TW: Suicide, suicide attempt, death

Alice and Eliza Moore were raised by their mother alone, Rebecca Moore, who initially wanted children very badly, but turned out to be… not cut out for motherhood. Perhaps it had something to do with the way she had gotten pregnant in the first place. Their father was someone she had met at a New Year’s Eve party and never seen again - at least that’s what she always told the girls, because she refused to share anything else about him.

The twins were relatively young when they first started showing signs of being more than just human. It started around the same time for both of them, but manifested in vastly different ways. Rebecca, being nothing but human, had no means to help or guide them, although she always seemed to know more about it than she let on. For Alice it meant taking a longer time learning to control her abilities, and losing that control more easily, though not for a lack of trying.

As children, the twins were very close, supported each other in everything and were at times inseparable. The older they grew, the more they grew apart. Ultimately they turned into very different people. At eighteen, Eliza left home, on bad terms with both her sister and mother. Alice tried hard to improve her relationship with her mother, but Rebecca Moore fell ill, and passed away two years later.

In an attempt to seek out Eliza, Alice eventually ended up in Bear River, home of her internet friend, Camille Leon. The two naturally met up, and Camille soon became her closest friend. Through Cammy she met the people who would go on to become the most important ones in her life. She spoke a few times to Nightfall to help her find Eliza, but they were never successful - perhaps because she didn't get a chance to talk to them enough.

For a few months Alice lived in Helena, needing to get away from life. It wasn't a popular decision, but moving back to Bear River, she was welcomed with open arms. She swore to Camille never to take off without warning again. Of course, it wasn't long after that that they all had to relocate to Kiri - something she did with the help of Camille’s girlfriends, Alena and Aerallis.

Life in Kiri was nice and going well, better than it had in a long while, until everything started falling apart. Kaelene and Sark were murdered. Alice hadn’t really known them well, but that was how it started. The whole dynamic of her network of friends and acquaintances changed. She stopped seeing Aera and Ilosti, but what she heard from Cammy and Alena was… weird. Then Aera was murdered, and Alice was heartbroken. They hadn’t been been exactly close, but she had been very fond of the mage. What she felt was nothing compared to what Camille and Alena were going through, and Camille seemed to take it especially hard, which was really no surprise.

After a while, things started to calm down and get a little better, until...

The new apartment in Kiri reminded Alice in a lot of ways of the previous few she had inhabited. Run-down, incredibly cheap, under-furnished, and in need of some serious TLC. Despite this, she’d always had a knack for making it appear presentable, charming even, and always clean. Clean, but at times a bit of a mess, with various art supplies, CDs, elastic bands, and makeup never really having found a dedicated spot.

It was almost 2 AM, and Alice was sitting by the window, arms wrapped around her legs, chin resting on her knees. Sleepless nights were currently rare, which was a relief. But she hadn’t been able to reach Cammy for a while, and though she knew it was stupid, she suspected the worry for her friend was what was keeping her up. She’d even considered texting Alena, but that was just ridiculous. She had better things to do than soothe her paranoia. Because that’s all it was. Cammy was doing better, and everything was fine - as fine as it could be on top of it all, anyway.

A knock on the door shook her violently out of her own head, and sent her heart racing. She couldn’t imagine anything positive coming from that; it couldn’t possibly be someone she knew. No one who knew her would show up unannounced, not even in the middle of the day. There was no way she was going to open that door. Except-

Another set of sharp knocks. “Alice, it’s Alena.” There was no mistaken the now familiar voice, but something was off about it. Alice scrambled to the door, unlocked and unbolted it, before throwing it open. The moment she met the woman’s eyes, she felt shivers down her spine. The always warm, gentle face she had come to know quite well over the last several months was now… hollow. Lifeless. There was no other way to explain it. Alice had never before seen her look so much like the vampire she was.

There was a long, silent moment where none of them seemed to so much as breathe. Then, in a voice that sounded distant and detached: “Camille hung herself. Aera is gone. It’s- they’re all…” Alena’s voice trailed off, or maybe she continued talking and Alice just didn’t hear any more.

Even if she tried, Alice couldn’t tell you what happened after that. The next thing she remembers is waking up in the arms of Thora, shaking consciousness into her. Only because she asked, several months later, does she know Thora saved her from joining Camille - she didn’t ask the details, and she doesn’t remember. She later discovered that Alena - who had since disappeared without a trace - was the one who asked Thora to check up on her. In truth she owes both women her life. Before this, Alice had only met Lady Phrostfur a small handful of times.

For the rest of her time in Kiri, Alice was never left completely on her own, and when Thora had to move to Snow Haven, she encouraged Alice to go with her, which was easy enough to do. The young Esper desperately needed a change of scenery, somewhere far away from any place that held her memories.

Since they got to Alaska, Alice has been living with Thora, having her own room in the big house. When not spending time with the cats, she has been keeping mostly to herself.

Her life consists of many used-tos, and if things go well, maybe she can claim those back. On the bad-but-not-as-bad days, that thought gives her a little hope. The first time she smiled since she ended up in this particular depression, Thora decided it was time for her to rejoin the real world. It’s terrifying, but she has promised to give it her best shot - partly because she thinks Thora is getting sick of her always staying in the house, and she doesn’t blame her.

ac_unit Magic Info
Awareness Overview

Is very aware and has known since she came into her powers as a kid.


Apportation: The ability to transfer an object from one place to another, or summon an item from a location, granted it is within a 5 metre/16 feet radius and she knows exactly where it is. This covers any single object she would be able to physically carry, and also includes her own body (teleportation). This does not include any item that is bolted/glued or otherwise permanently attached to another item that isn’t covered by her ability, and it does not include other people or animals.

Extrasensory perception: Alice has always known herself to be particularly perceptive, but it wasn't until she came to live with Thora that she discovered it was part of her Esper abilities. She doesn't just pick up on minor details, but psychic ones as well. It isn't something she does consciously, and when she does it's mainly to read people and their intentions.

Alice does not have complete control over any of her abilities, in fact they seem to fail her quite often. Especially when nervous or anxious does she lose control, and has been known to teleport away from stressful situations against her own will.

Furthermore, she’s highly affected by the energies around her - particularly negative ones - from people and places. Although not exactly a power or ability, it is connected to her being an Esper.

She has never had any formal training (or informal, really). It wasn’t until she started meeting and hanging out with more supes that she learned more about what she really is. Thora has a few acquaintances that have taught her a little more, but again, nothing major.

edit Notes
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This character was created by Sally on

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