info Overview
Name - What is Elaina Fae Basset’s full name?

Elaina Fae Basset

Role - What is Elaina Fae Basset’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Elaina Fae Basset go by?

Ellie, Little Fairy, pretty little thing,

Gender - What is Elaina Fae Basset’s gender?


Age - How old is Elaina Fae Basset?


face Looks
Hair Color - What color is Elaina Fae Basset’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Elaina Fae Basset style their hair?

Long hair, wavy

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Elaina Fae Basset have?


Eye Color - What is Elaina Fae Basset’s eye color?

Chocolate brown

Race - What is Elaina Fae Basset’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Elaina Fae Basset have?

She always tucks at her clothes or hair, trying to make herself look better when she's nervous. She stares into space when she's concentrating and her eyes flutter whenever she's too shy to talk to someone.

Motivations - What motivates Elaina Fae Basset most?

She keeps going because she wants to make her mum proud.

Flaws - What flaws does Elaina Fae Basset have?

She can be a bit too trusting of people, and most of the time she struggles with confidence and perfectionism and also feels lonely.

Talents - What talents does Elaina Fae Basset have?

She has a talent for writing poetry and playing the piano.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Elaina Fae Basset have?

writing, reading, poetry, threatre

Personality type - What personality type is Elaina Fae Basset?

Elaina is a very kind, caring, sympathetic person. She values honesty and kindness above all. She is also quite a shy girl and doesn't enjoy interacting with people she doesn't know.
Elaina is very talented. Her favourite school subjects are English, History, Music, Astrology. She is also in the school orchestra, as she can play the piano. She loves theatre as well and regularly participates in school plays.
She is also not a very confident person and struggles with perfectionism and trying to impress others. She also struggles with sharing her real emotions, something she could only really do with her mother.



groups Social
Religion - What religion does Elaina Fae Basset practice?


Politics - What politics does Elaina Fae Basset have?


Occupation - What is Elaina Fae Basset’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Elaina Fae Basset’s favorite color?

Dark Blue

Favorite food - What is Elaina Fae Basset’s favorite food?

Apple Pie

Favorite possession - What is Elaina Fae Basset’s favorite possession?

A little merry-go-round that could play music, which was the last gift that was given to her by her mum before her death

Favorite animal - What is Elaina Fae Basset’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Elaina Fae Basset have?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Elaina Fae Basset’s birthday?

July 5th

Education - What is Elaina Fae Basset’s level of education?

Year 11

Background - What is Elaina Fae Basset’s background?

Although her mother originally lived in Edgar Shores, France, she moved to London while she was pregnant with Elaina.
Elaina grew up in London. She had a passion for writing and poetry, as well as theatre and piano. She would often perform in school plays, and she is also in the school orchestra playing the piano.

Growing up, she never knew much about her family. She had no siblings; she didn't know who her father was, and her mother's half of the family lived back in her mother's hometown.
But, despite this, she had heard stories of her family from her mother, and although she was endlessly curious about this unknown part of her family, she had long decided to not press her mother with that matter.

She had a tabby cat, named Tabitha, who was gifted to her when she turned 13 from her mother.

Elaina went to boarding school. She had a few close friends, and she did enjoy her time there, but she still missed her mother terribly when she went away to boarding school, and her mother was the same, although she was still very determined to send Elaina to boarding school, stating it was the best thing for her future.

Her life was happy, until one day when she was 16 and at boarding school, her mother died suddenly from an illness that neither Elaina nor her mother had been aware of. Elaina was absolutely devastated, although she pulled herself as had to stay strong.

After her mother's death, there was a lot of confusion over what would happen to Elaina, but it was decided that since it was the last term of the year, and her mother had already paid off her school fees for that year, Elaina would stay at the boarding school until the school year ended, and then she would go to the closest relative she had: Her grandmother, who lived in Paris.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Elaina Fae Basset have?

A tabby cat named Tabitha

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

This character was created by Alice Clements on

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